My Sign Says
Bad roommates

These Zodiac Signs Make the Worst Roommates

If you’ve had to share a house with someone other than your family, then you know that a good roommate is a rare and precious thing. We’ve all got some roommate horror stories–and if you don’t, you were the bad roommate.

The Zodiac signs can make for the worst possible roommates, so much that you may start feeling manifestations of AFIB. We’re not saying that you can’t live with them, but you have to be aware of their shortcomings. That way you can work around each other’s issues and find a way to coexist. Or at least start looking for a new place to live.

Aries (March 21-April 19) 

This sign of the Zodiac tends to be a trifle thoughtless when it comes to others. They’re hyper-focused on their own goals and might not notice if they’re making you uncomfortable. In the nicest possible way, living with an Aries is a lot like having a Great Dane for a pet. They’re great fun, but they also leave a path of destruction in their wake.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

Living with a Gemini also means living with an incredible amount of clutter and–it’s true–mess. Gemini is one of the untidiest signs of the Zodiac. Their minds are always flitting from one idea to the next. They tend to leave half-finished projects everywhere and make huge messes in the kitchen.

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

Why is Leo so tough to live with? Because this sign is flat-out lazy. Nobody wants to do chores (except for Virgo), but Leo will throw a tantrum to avoid having to do their fair share. Sometimes, they might be able to charm you out of being mad. But you’ll have a lot of frustration with this lazy lion.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

Unlike the other Zodiac signs on our round-up of bad roommates, Virgo is not a slob. In fact, they are on the far opposite side of the spectrum. Virgo makes Marie Kondo look sloppy. This Zodiac sign will insist that your shared space is kept spotless. And they might feel the need to supervise your chores. This will get old fast.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

Sagittarius might just be the worst roommate of all. They will never pay rent on time. They’ll always leave dishes in random places around the house. Sagittarius may also keep weird hours, show up with uninvited house guests to crash on your couch, or disappear for days without warning.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

Living with a Pisces is more like parenting a wayward teenager than having a roommate. This sign melts into a puddle of helpless goo whenever you need to confront them about anything. Even if it’s just that they need to load the dishwasher. Pisces also tends to be a little bit woo-woo, so if you don’t want your apartment to be smudged with sage on the regular, find a different roommate.