My Sign Says

These Zodiac Couples are Riding the Struggle Bus Right Now

If you’re married or cohabitating, there’s a really good chance that you’re spending more time with your partner than ever right now. Which sounds lovely and romantic on the surface, but everybody needs a little space from time to time. This rings even more true if you’re both attempting to work from home.

It takes a lot of communication, patience, and understanding to keep things sailing smoothly—and many couples’ relationships are being tested at the moment. Read on to see what sign pairings might be struggling more than most.

Capricorn & Pisces

Capricorn needs stability and order. They don’t have time for games or whimsy, and their strict and critical demeanor can be too much to take for sensitive, bubbly little Pisces.

With Pisces being unable to physically leave and get support from others in their social circle, and Capricorn being unable to curb their harsh critiques of anything they deem nonsense, this couple could devolve into nothing but bickering and tears.

If Pisces can switch to nurture mode, and Capricorn can work on being more gentle, things could start looking up. Communication is key.

Taurus & Sagittarius

For Taurus, there are a few things about our current predicament that aren’t half bad. Stay at home? Work from bed? Stockpile the fridge? Yes, please!

Adventure-seeking Sagittarius, however, is feeling pretty stifled. This couple’s usual saving grace comes from Sag getting Taurus to get up and out of the house once in a while. But asking them to snuggle on the couch and watch Game of Thrones for the 18,000th time is gonna drive them up the wall.

Maybe Taurus could try to put some effort into keeping things playful and exciting, even when stuck indoors.

Cancer & Aquarius

Aquarius is intellectual and detached. Cancer is emotional and intuitive. Cancer thinks Aquarius is cold. Aquarius thinks Cancer is needy. This is a challenging match on the best of days, but when Cancer is feeling isolated and neglected by the one they love, and Aquarius is feeling like there’s no escaping drowning in someone else’s emotions, things can get real testy.

These two need to think about how the other wants to be loved, whether or not it makes “sense” to them.

Leo & Virgo

The star and the director. Leo needs attention, love, and admiration. Virgo thinks that’s just silly, and analyzes and critiques instead. With Leo unable to get that admiration elsewhere, their pride will get wounded and the claws will come out. And while Virgo might not put on a flashy show of it, they won’t back down from a fight either.

If these two can put aside their differences they can benefit each other, with Leo injecting a little fun into Virgo’s otherwise tightly-wound world, and Virgo gently tugging Leo down to earth a bit.

Gemini & Scorpio

Gemini likes to keep things fun and fresh, and can change subjects at the speed of light.

Scorpio needs to delve deep, unearthing mysteries and hidden truths in everything they stumble upon. Gemini feels like Scorpio is dark and obsessive. Scorpio thinks Gemini is a flighty mess. Scorpio wants to figure out what makes Gemini tick. Gemini doesn’t even want to know what makes Gemini tick.

This can be a volatile combination, especially with Scorpio’s notorious temper. To make things work, they both need to find the humor in their situations.