My Sign Says
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5 Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Absolutely Panic During Tough Situations

When times get tough, these zodiac signs get goin’… right in the opposite direction, away from the stress, as quickly as humanly possible.

While some signs have the ability to remain calm during chaotic situations, these are not those signs. The smallest things can set them off, and not in a good way.

If your sign is listed below, you’re far more likely to stress out than others:

Leo – July 23 – August 22

Since you have really high standards for both yourself and others, if something goes wrong, you can go into full-on panic mode.

Because you feel like you must take responsibility when things go wrong, you try to correct everything. And we mean everything.

This means even the idea of something going wrong can make you become anxious.

Gemini – May 21 – June 20

As far as Gemini is concerned, a disaster can be waiting around every corner, and they’re more than prepared for it. Problem is, they’re prepared only until something actually happens.

When disaster does strike, panic mode is engaged. This can cause other every-day situations to become panic-inducing as well since they expect another disaster might soon appear.

And because of Gemini’s fickle nature, just about anything can be considered a disaster, until it isn’t.

Aries – March 21 – April 19

One stressed Aries is easily equal to ten other stressed humans. They can get upset at the smallest things, which can cause them to literally explode.

They always expect the worst in a situation, and it isn’t uncommon for them to have an impending sense of doom in otherwise simple situations.

Pisces – February 19 – March 20

Because a Pisces usually ends up beating themselves up over any actions that they take, or don’t take, this can become a problem when a true disaster strikes.

They blame themselves, and their anxiety continues to rise as a result. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, as far as they’re concerned—and it’s all their fault. Because everything is their fault.

Virgo – August 23 – September 22

Virgo likes to live on a schedule. They take their time dotting all I’s and crossing every t. And this matters a great deal to them. They want their lives to go on as planned, and when something interferes with that plan, well…  it isn’t good.

Instead of remaining calm during a tough situation, they tend to panic instead—which only makes things even worse. This isn’t what they planned for in life, and it shows.