My Sign Says
A woman enjoys coffee in bed

How Each Sign of the Zodiac Should Start the Day

Are you the type of person who jumps out of bed before the alarm rings, or do you hit that snooze button until the last possible second? Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day, so if you wake up grumpy and frazzled, then you’ll probably stay that way no matter how much coffee you drink.

The good news is that, while your habits and tendencies are influenced by the stars, you can take steps to mitigate your weaknesses and enhance your strengths in all areas of your life by understanding your Zodiac sign.

Here are a few tips for each of the 12 Zodiac signs to get the most out of your mornings and develop a healthier routine to start the day off right.

Aries (March 21-April 19) 

While most of us benefit from a little exercise in the morning, I’d go so far as to say that Aries needs it. You have a lot of pent-up energy and a primal drive to compete; if you don’t channel that into something positive, like challenging yourself to break your personal best time on a morning jog, you may end up snapping at your coworkers instead.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

Taurus, your ideal morning actually starts the night before. You will benefit from laying out your clothes, planning and prepping your meals and getting some overnight oats ready for the next morning. Doing all these necessary little tasks the night before frees up your morning for relaxation. Enjoy a leisurely cup of tea, read a magazine or go for a brief walk outside instead of rushing to get ready for the day.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

Gemini and routines are a little bit like oil and water. Or gasoline and fire, depending on how extra you’re feeling on any given day. You love variety, which makes establishing any kind of routine a challenge. However, you might find that reading for 20 minutes in the morning while you enjoy a decaf beverage is the best way to start the day.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

Water signs are perhaps most in tune with their element of all the Zodiac signs. That’s why you need to make sure that every morning starts with a refreshing shower–and a tall glass of water. Staying hydrated is a challenge for you, Cancer, because you’re always thinking about other people’s needs before taking care of your own. Fill up a reusable bottle of water every morning and make sure to sip throughout the day.

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

Leo, this might be hard to hear, but you need to get off the ‘Gram in the mornings. If you’re in the habit of checking social media as soon as you crack open your eyes, you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Instead of spending that time scrolling, devote it to pampering yourself. Indulge in a luxe skincare routine, try out aromatherapy or practice brewing the perfect pour-over coffee.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

Virgo hardly needs advice on developing the perfect routine. You’ve already got that covered, thanks. But do you ever wonder if your routine is too structured? If you’ve been doing the same routine so long that you’re stuck in a rut, try shaking things up tomorrow. Rearrange the order of the steps, drink tea instead of coffee or try out a new kind of exercise and see what happens.

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

Do you hit the snooze button more times than you’d like to admit? Libra struggles with taking decisive action, and that’s especially true when your options are “snuggle under the covers for 10 more minutes” versus “get up and start getting ready for work.” You have a sensual soul, so tempt yourself out of bed with the promise of a silky robe, soft slippers, and delicious coffee or tea.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

Scorpio, the best way for a natural night owl like you to wake up is through a shock to the system. You’re the type to slam a mug of bulletproof coffee or take an ice-cold shower to get your blood pumping. The idea of doing gentle yoga or meditation has no appeal for you, and you consider decaf coffee to be an abomination. To make your mornings a little less rough, however, consider practicing a better sleep routine the night before.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

Mornings are for suckers, right? Sagittarius might wake up with the sun to go exploring, but you’re just as likely to oversleep if you’re enjoying a good dream. More than any other sign of the Zodiac, you benefit from a simple morning routine. Consider starting with 10-20 minutes of meditation to help balance your energy levels and sharpen your focus.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20) 

Capricorn, you probably already have a morning routine, but I’m going to challenge you to add one more thing off your to-do list tomorrow. Sit down with a cup of herbal tea and a notebook and take 10 minutes to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Not every moment of the day needs to be optimized for maximum efficiency.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) 

Your morning often follows the latest alt-health fads, Aquarius. Golden milk, crystal meditation, yogic breathing–you’ve done it all. But instead of listening to yet another guru tell you how to start your day, why not just follow your intuition for once? Practice listening to your body. If it needs more sleep, then snooze. If it wants to move, then get up and exercise.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

Pisces, more than any other sign of the Zodiac, you have a tendency to oversleep. Your caregivers probably despaired of getting you out of bed in time for school, and the tendency to snooze is still with you in adulthood. Guess what, buttercup? You need to get moving. Start your day with a splash of cold water on your face (or a full-on cold shower) followed by 10 minutes of vigorous exercise. After that, you won’t have any desire to fall back asleep.