My Sign Says
A brunette woman prepares to take a bite of a pink donut

4 Zodiac Signs Who Have Already Broken Their New Year’s Resolutions

As the first week of 2020 comes to a close, be honest–have you kept those resolutions? Some signs of the Zodiac are better than others at following through on big changes by making small, daily adjustments.

On the other hand, here are the signs that have probably already said “see ya!” to their resolutions.

Aries (March 21-April 19) 

Aries rushes in to face any–and every–challenge. While that kind of bold attitude can be helpful in certain situations, it’s not great for the kind of long-term changes that most people resolve to make at the end of the year.

This sign is impulsive and tends to have poor impulse control, so resolutions that involve moderation or temperance were always going to be a struggle for Aries.

Instead of making major, year-long plans to change, try getting up every morning and jotting down one thing you’d like to do differently that day. Those daily mini-challenges will add up!

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

Gemini, your problem is one of volume. How many resolutions did you make? Chances are good that it was simply too many to reasonably implement.

Trying to change more than one or two habits at a time is a great way to set yourself up for failure. That powerful brain of yours is always buzzing with ideas, but you can’t follow through on every single one of them.

Try limiting yourself to just one change at a time and see what happens.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

Sagittarius, do you even remember what you had for breakfast yesterday? Resolutions are just not in your nature, especially if they involve denying yourself something that you enjoy.

You won’t remember those pesky little promises until after the deed is done, setting yourself up for a cycle of indulgence and guilt. This is more toxic than simply enjoying yourself without self-imposed rules (that you weren’t going to follow anyway).

That’s not to say that you should go wild and do whatever you want. Instead, work on adjusting your attitude rather than your behavior so that the habits naturally flow toward well-being and moderation.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

Pisces, real talk: You’ve given up on your resolutions already because it was just too hard. Water signs aren’t typically great at meeting challenges head-on; water flows around obstacles instead of pushing through them. But I think you might have thrown in the towel a little too early this year on your resolutions.

It’s not too late to try again. You don’t have to be perfect–just try.