My Sign Says
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5 Zodiac Signs Drawn Toward Codependent Relationships

Codependence in relationships is also called “relationship addiction.” Codependent people in relationships usually have low self-esteem and are engaged in such relationships to try to make themselves feel better about themselves.

But unfortunately, what they find instead is that they are in a one-sided situation where they are either a caretaker or a martyr for their partner.

It’s all driven from their own need to feel needed, not an equal give-and-take relationship. In short, it’s an illusion of love where they are doing most of the loving and giving.

Here are 5 zodiac sign that possesses traits that tend to draw them toward codependent relationships.

1. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

More than any other sign in the zodiac, Cancers need to be needed. Being clinging and needy is a core aspect of their personality. This is why they repeatedly end up in codependent relationships.

Even though their partners can sometimes put them through hell, the payoff to Cancer is feeling they are valued. “What would you do without me?” They think.

But it’s really delusional thinking, because their partner would actually do fine without them. They are self-sacrificing for someone who is taking advantage of them and would not return the favor.

2. Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra loves to play the fixer, which is why they are often in the role of mediator. They are drawn towards codependent relationships because it puts them in the role of constantly being a problem-solver.

They get to show off their diplomatic skills by repeatedly negotiating their partner out of the messes they get themselves into, time after time.

Despite the troubled lifestyle that comes with living in a one-sided relationship, Libra takes a perverse pleasure in being a personal one-person rescue unit for their partner.

3. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces strong caring and empath nature practically paints a target on their backs for those ready to take advantage of them. Like a shark that smells blood in the water, the wrong type of person is drawn toward Pisces.

Unfortunately, Pisces tends to rescue the love-hungry like one saves a stray puppy. They see someone in trouble and they just can’t say no.

Pisces is one of the most self-sacrificing signs in the zodiac, and their tendency to be a martyr leaves them ripe for exploitation.

4. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo has the perfect traits to be someone’s caretaker, as they are always worrying and obsessing over every small detail. They also have a very self-pitying aspect of their personality, which is a product of their low self-esteem.

Virgo will often play the martyr, dedicating themselves to their partner, to counteract their own lack of self-worth. They put up with this because it allows them to repeatedly prove to themselves that they are important and needed.

5. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpios are extremely passionate, and as a result, sometimes their passion can override their intellect, allowing love to take a blind eye to the other person’s faults. Scorpios are also intense and excessive and here’s where the biggest problem lies.

Once they begin to obsess over someone, they tend to overlook their faults and become obsessed with the idea that they can “fix” this person. They will also take on the other person’s problems as their own.

However, there is one dark side… that Scorpios are dominant, and things get scary when they are in a codependent relationship with another dominant person, where they try to force changes and the situation has the potential to escalate into violence.