My Sign Says
A woman in a red dress holds a book over her face as she lies back on bright green grass

Zodiac Gift Guides: Best Books for the Readers on Your list

If you’re shopping for yourself or a treasured friend this holiday season, consider looking toward the Zodiac for inspiration.

We’ve already put together a general gift guide, but over the coming weeks we’ll offer up more specific lists for the people on your list that are a little more difficult to shop for.

Today, we’ll take a look at the best books for every sign of the Zodiac.

Aries (March 21-April 19) 

Although Aries isn’t typically a great reader, there are exceptions to every rule. When Aries does pick up a book, it will usually be an action-packed, mass-market thriller. Think James Patterson, Vince Flynn, or Tom Clancy.

Non-fiction military history can also be a good pick for Aries, but proceed with caution if you’re not sure the Aries on your list is a fan of a particular era of history.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

Taurus is simple to shop for at the bookstore. Depending on their hobbies, a cookbook or gardening guide will be the perfect choice.

This Earth Sign is very connected to the planet and enjoys working with their hands, so a practical book (with lots of beautiful photographs) will suit them right down to the ground.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

You could hand a Gemini literally any book and they would be at least a little bit intrigued. This sign of the Zodiac tends to hoard books, so your safest bet is to get them a Barnes & Noble gift card.

However, books about strange facts and historical oddities will always fascinate brainy Gemini.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

Cancer loves romance novels, and they’re not afraid to show it. Get them the latest swoon-worthy book from their favorite author–Nora Roberts, perhaps?–and this Zodiac sign will be delighted.

They often put others first, especially during the holidays, so it’s safe to assume that Cancer has not treated themselves lately. Do it for them with a romance novel, a box of chocolates, and maybe a bottle of wine or a nice scented candle.

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

Like the other Fire Signs, Leo isn’t necessarily a big fan of books. However, a subscription to their favorite fashion magazine is a whole ‘nother story. Leo would also enjoy a biography of their favorite celebrity, as long as the text has plenty of pictures.

This sign is a very visual person, and frankly, they wouldn’t make it through that biography of Hamilton no matter how much they liked the Broadway show.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

Unlike Leo, Virgo is the perfect person to gift the doorstopper biography of Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow.

If they’ve already read it, then another historical non-fiction book will do the trick. Virgo isn’t usually a huge fan of fiction, however, so steer clear of novels.

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

For Libra, the classics are king. A beautiful, heirloom-quality edition of a favorite classic, such as Anne of Green Gables or Pride and Prejudice, would make a lovely gift for this sign of the Zodiac.

You can often find collectible editions of the classics for reasonable prices at Barnes & Noble, but you might also find a vintage gem at a used book store.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

Scorpio enjoys the darker side of the human psyche, which is why they’ll appreciate a true crime book such as I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara.

If they’ve already read that, you might pick up a horror novel–or better yet, a dark graphic novel–instead.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

How do we put this gently… Sagittarius does not, as a rule, read. They’re just not wired to be bookworms, for the most part.

If you’re determined to get the Archer on your list a book, make it a lavishly illustrated travel guide. They’ll also be pleased with the comic book that inspired their favorite movie or TV show.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20) 

It should be no surprise that Capricorn’s favorite genres are self-help and business. Combine the two and you’ve got a winner!

Pick up a copy of this year’s most popular, no-nonsense self-help book, and you can be sure that Capricorn will diligently read it from cover to cover.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) 

Aquarius might be a little embarrassed to admit it, but they often enjoy sci-fi and fantasy. Escaping into another world–one that doesn’t share our problems–is like taking a vacation for this imaginative sign of the Zodiac.

If you’re not sure where to start, you can’t go wrong with Seanan McGuire, Naomi Novik, or Neil Gaiman.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

Pisces is an odd fish in many ways. They are very creative and love to indulge in the realms of the imagination, but they can also have extremely specific tastes.

Buying a generic fantasy novel you think they’ll like might result in disappointment. Unless you can get your hands on a signed first edition of their favorite book, it’s better to take Pisces shopping or give a gift card than guess what they might want.