My Sign Says

Are You One of the Most Intuitive Zodiac Signs?

How intuitive are you? These 5 Zodiac signs are the most deeply in touch with their inner wisdom.

Listening to our intuition is always a smart move. If your gut is telling you something, then you need to pay attention! We pick up on weird vibes and other subconscious signals all the time, but most of us have trained ourselves to ignore them.

5. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini’s intuition is centered on the realm of information. While other signs are more in tune with emotions, Gemini is all about that intellect. Their ability to make unexpected connections between ideas and see creative solutions to problems is their superpower. The trick is harnessing this Air sign’s energy and making them focus long enough to actually get something accomplished!

Gemini is also a skilled communicator who might seem to have the ability to read your mind. In truth, they’re just really good at guessing the most likely thing you’ll say next.

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer is the most emotionally intuitive Zodiac sign. They are connected to the Moon, which influences our emotions just as it causes the tides. Cancer’s intuition acts like a sponge for other people’s feelings. If you’re sad around them, then they’re said. When you’re happy, they’re happy. Some Cancerians can even detect the emotional energy of a place!

This sign has almost limitless depths of empathy, but their open hearts are very vulnerable.

3. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarians are true visionaries. They see the future almost as clearly as they do the present, which can make it hard for them to connect with people.

Aquarius is an Air sign, despite the fact that their symbol is the Water carrier. In fact, there are many contradictions in this sign, which is both intuitive and closed off.

This sign sees the big picture clearly and reads trends the way that meteorologists track the weather. If you want an eerily accurate prediction of the next election or the hottest trend in fall fashion, call an Aquarius.

2. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Ruled by Pluto, Scorpio is naturally drawn to secrets. They can’t help wanting to uncover things that are hidden–which makes it very difficult to hide something from a Scorpio.

This sign is also more in tune with the darkness than the rest of the Zodiac. Although shadow work scares many people, Scorpio knows that it’s necessary to balance out the light. They see your darkest secrets, but they won’t judge you for them.

1. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The most intuitive sign of the entire Zodiac, Pisces is almost too connected to the other side. Pisces struggles to stay grounded because they’re constantly receiving impressions and information that other people simply cannot sense.

Pisces is prone to prophetic dreams and déjà vu. If one of these deeply intuitive fishies gives you a message, listen! They might seem like they have their heads in the clouds, but they know things the rest of us don’t.