My Sign Says

Zodiac Signs that are the Most Difficult to Get Along With

Can someone’s zodiac sign really affect how well they get along with others? Absolutely! Think about it. The zodiac determines our dominant personality traits. These traits make some people come off stronger than others.

But here’s the rub… Just because someone has a strong personality, it doesn’t actually mean they’re strong. Many times, strong is a disguise for difficult.


These “strong” people don’t just share their opinion – they try to force it on people. Not good. They put up a strong front, but often underneath, they are hiding their fear and insecurity.

That said, let’s take a look at the five signs of the zodiac that can be the most difficult to get along with…

1. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

While Virgo can be loving, kind, helpful and dedicated, they have a flipside to this sweet disposition, that is it’s the polar opposite – making them one of the most difficult signs in all of the zodiac to get along with. Virgo’s analytical mind never stops worrying.

Because of their acute attention to detail, some might call it “anal-retentive perfectionism,” they have a tendency to be overly critical of everything. This results in never-ending complaining and an obsessive compulsion that everything is done in or must exist in a specific way.

Obviously, all this adds up to a lot of arguing, as Virgo insists on getting what they want and their way – always.

2. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius put on an open-minded and free-spirited front, seemingly taking a genuine interest in others. But don’t let that fool you. Aquarius can be very hard to read because of their aloof and independent nature. Aquarius can be quite insensitive to the feelings of others.

When they get cranky, especially when disagreeing, they’ll spew out rude and tactless comments without giving it a second thought. For the most part, Aquarius tend to have an elitist attitude, looking down on those who “aren’t up to speed” with the latest and greatest or don’t know as much as they do.

They commonly view others as inferior, rebelling against what they feel are old and outdated standards or ways of doing things.

3. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries are impulsive and impatient people and are always apt to fly off the handle. They can be bossy in everything they do, because even when they aren’t in charge, they want to take the lead. They always think they have a better way of doing things and this leads to many argumentative situations.

They have a strong will, and yielding is something they don’t like to do. They also have a hot-headed side, and when it comes out, they can unload with very blunt and harsh comments. The more you can let an Aries, at least feel like they’re having their say, the easier they are to get along with.

4. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpios are extremely intense people, who pour intense passion into everything they do – and that’s where the problems begin. They prefer to be the dominant one in most situations, and this leads to power struggles.

If they’re not calling the shots, then they tend to be extremely demanding of the one who is. They also can be very suspicious and jealous. Making them angry is a big mistake.

They have a hot temper, and a wounded Scorpio typically becomes bent on revenge. When that happens, be prepared for a vicious sting that you will never see coming!