My Sign Says
Zodiac Sign Quirks

Weird Personality Quirks Caused by Your Zodiac Sign

If you’re a regular visitor here, then you probably already know the basics about your sign of the Zodiac. Leos love the spotlight, Geminis are flighty, and so on. Here are all the weird little quirks and ticks unique to every sign of the Zodiac.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries might seem like a Type A, hyper-competitive person in public, but in private… you’re a literal mess! Aries often have super messy, even chaotic homes. Cleaning up after yourself just isn’t high on your priority list.

Weirdly enough, Aries are also the sign most likely to have a collection of scars from childhood injuries, too!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus loves food. I mean LOVES food. You are a natural gourmet who loves to eat, create elaborate meals, binge cooking shows on Netflix–if it’s related to food, you’re all over it.

You are also likely to be very good with money and always pay your bills on time. Way to go, Taurus!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Hands down, Gemini is the sign more likely to win a Nobel Prize. Okay, maybe not you personally, but overall Geminis win more smartypants prizes than any other sign of the Zodiac.

And (to the horror of your Taurus friends) you are also likely to enjoy super weird food combinations that no sane person would try.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

People born under this sign are the biggest hopeless romantics on the planet. You always cry at rom-coms, and you had more posters of your teenage crushes than all of your friends combined. It’s okay, Cancer. We think it’s kind of cute.

It’s also cool if you still love your first boy band crushes. You’re a loyal sign, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of about that.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, you were born with a superpower. No, it’s not your fabulous hair. It’s your ability to charm the socks off anyone. You make an excellent salesperson thanks to the fact you can talk to anyone about anything and make it sound fascinating.

You also have the best fashion sense of any zodiac sign and are always dressed to the nines. Nay, the tens!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

I don’t want to put you on the spot, Virgo, but I have a question: Do you lead a secret double life? While you seem to be a straight-laced, hardworking, detail-oriented person during the day, it’s likely that you have all kinds of hidden quirks and kinks.

No matter what you’re into, you’ll spend a lot of time making sure everything is clean and sterilized. You’re a total neat freak too!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You know that One Direction song, “What Makes You Beautiful?” Libra, you’re the gal or guy who has no idea how attractive you truly are. Whether that’s a good personality quirk or a bad one is up to you.

Libra also has a great sense of humor in addition to your knack for compromise and peacemaking.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio, I know your dirty little secret. Even though you seem tough as nails, you’re secretly addicted to cute YouTube videos. You love the ones with puppies and kittens, and little kids dancing. It’s okay. We won’t tell anyone else.

Your other passion is true crime documentaries. You know, deep down, that you would solve those mysteries way before the cops.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

As a Sagittarius, you have the unique ability to make friends anywhere you go. That’s especially useful when you’re traveling the world–language is no barrier to having a fun, chill time, right?

However, one downside to your chameleon-like personality is that sometimes you feel like no one actually knows the REAL you.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20)

Good news, Capricorn! You’re the Zodiac sign most likely to still be carded into your 30s. You look a decade younger than your age–and sometimes you act it, too.

You also have no filter. As a Capricorn, you have zero concept of TMI or boundaries, especially with your besties.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

As an Aquarius, you are a true original. There’s no one else quite like you on the planet. Chances are good that you’re really into alternative medicine, crystals, urban legends, and other quirky stuff.

Here’s something else weird about Aquarius–you’re the Zodiac sign that’s most likely to feel cold all the time.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces has a reputation for being so empathetic and intuitive that people think you might be psychic. Maybe you are! Or maybe you’re just deeply observant and in tune with the emotions of people around you.

You’re also a major introvert–being around people is exhausting, right? You’d rather stay in bed than go to a party.