My Sign Says

Tarot Card Connections to Planets in Astrology

You may already be aware that there are Tarot Cards associated with each sign of the zodiac in astrology, but there are also tarot card connections with planets, too.

In this article, we’ll show you which tarot card connects to each of the planets considered by astrologers in creating horoscope charts.

We will consider the planets of classical astrology, as well as the luminaries of the Sun and Moon, plus three of the planets considered in modern astrology (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto).

Sun = The Sun

The tarot deck has a card of the Major Arcana named “The Sun.”

This card is associated with life, identity, the conscious, positivity, success, fame and victory. Associated with the zodiac sign Leo.

Moon = The Moon

The tarot deck has a card of the Major Arcana named “The Moon.”

This card is associated with femininity, emotions, the subconscious, secrets, dreaming, creativity and infidelity. Associated with the zodiac sign Cancer.

Mercury = The Magician

This planet is represented in the tarot deck by the card of the Major Arcana named “The Magician.”

This card is associated with communication, socialization, networking, travel and knowledge. Associated with the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo.

Venus = The Empress

This planet is represented in the tarot deck by the card of the Major Arcana named “The Empress.”

This card is associated with love, desire, relationships, harmony, fertility and beauty. Associated with the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra.

Mars = The Tower

This planet is represented in the tarot deck by the card of the Major Arcana named “The Tower.”

This card is associated with aggression, will, persistence, drive, determination, anger and war. Associated with the zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio.

Jupiter = The Wheel of Fortune

This planet is represented in the tarot deck by the card of the Major Arcana named “The Wheel of Fortune.”

This card is associated with luck, fortune, confidence, charity, expansion, and leadership. Associated with the zodiac signs of Pisces and Sagittarius.

Saturn = The World

This planet is represented in the tarot deck by the card of the Major Arcana named “The World.”

This card is associated with authority, responsibility, restrictions, limitations and time. Associated with the zodiac signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Uranus = The Fool

This planet is represented in the tarot deck by the card of the Major Arcana named “The Fool.”

This card is associated with individuality, originality, change and technology. Associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Neptune = The Hanged Man

This planet is represented in the tarot deck by the card of the Major Arcana named “The Hanged Man.”

This card is associated with confusion, dreams, intuition and spirituality. Associated with the zodiac sign Pisces.

Pluto = Judgment

This planet is represented in the tarot deck by the card of the Major Arcana named “Judgment.”

This card is associated with change, transformation, rebirth, and renewal. Associated with the zodiac sign Scorpio.