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Mercury in Retrograde Starts Today – How it Affects Your Horoscope

The planet Mercury influences several things in astrology, including communications, electronics and travel, and when planets go into retrograde it is time to be extra cautious in the areas a planet affects. Find out what you need to know about Mercury in retrograde!

Mercury going into retrograde puts many people into panic, thinking of it as a time of doom and gloom. However, because it forces us to reflect, there can also be benefits when planets go retrograde.

For 2019, the planet Mercury will go into retrograde beginning on March 5 and continue through March 19. Mercury also goes into retrograde two more times this year, we’ll give you those dates at the end of the article.

What does Mercury in retrograde mean?

Mercury in retrograde refers to the illusion of the planet Mercury moving backward as the orbit of Earth moves by it.

A good way to understand this is to think of two trains that are traveling on adjacent tracks. One train is moving slow and one train is moving fast. As the faster train passes the slower one, the slower train appears to be moving backward. This is the same phenomenon that happens when planets pass one another in their orbits.

There is a three and one-half week period in which Mercury appears to be moving backwards, and then it will appear to move forward again. This phenomenon occurs about 3 to 4 times per year when Mercury speeds past Earth.

What Mercury influences in astrology

Astrologers believe that Mercury rules over the realm of communication, travel and learning. It also can have an effect over electronics related to these areas.

Communication includes: Speaking, listening, learning, reading, researching, editing, negotiating, selling, buying, contracts, agreements, and all forms of information technology (including computer codes), and all electronics associated with these things.

Travel includes: All modes of travel (air, land, sea), the vehicles used for travel, shipping and transportation, and all electronics associated with these things.

How Mercury in retrograde affects your horoscope

Any planet going into retrograde is generally a time for caution. The “re-” part of retrograde suggests that it’s a time when we should: Reflect, revisit, reorder, rethink revise or refresh.

Since Mercury affects communications, the retrograde effect can lead to miscommunication. Because of Mercury’s influence, and despite our best efforts, the things we try to communicate may be misunderstood. This is where chaos in trouble can come in. It is generally believed that retrograde periods are not a good time for anything that requires good communication, such as contracts or agreements. For this reason, many people try to delay the signing of contracts or agreements until the retrograde period has passed.

Mercury also affects travel. Therefore, if you are traveling during a retrograde period, you should o be extra cautious with travel or perhaps even avoid or postpone travel if possible.

Because Mercury can affect electronics, it is also important not to rely too heavily on them, as well as, it’s crucial to make backups and/or hard copies of any critical documents you can’t afford to lose. Make sure you have a backup plan for everything that relies on electronics during Mercury retrograde.

Mercury in retrograde for 2019

Mercury is going into retrograde three times in 2019. The first occurrence is March 5-March 19. Then in summer, Mercury goes into retrograde between July 7-August 1. Mercury in retrograde will occur once more in 2019 during fall beginning on Halloween, October 31 and continuing until November 20.