My Sign Says

4 Zodiac Signs You Never Really Know – No Matter How Well You Know Them!

There are some people in this world, that no matter how long you’ve known them and how well you think you know them – you never really know them.

While we’re not necessarily referring to the cliché where someone suddenly commits some heinous crime and the neighbors and everyone around them says the person was, “just a nice normal person, kind of quiet.” Although, those types of people do fit in with our subject of discussion.

But rather, we are talking about people who have personalities that make them lean towards never revealing all of themselves. These people are never truly open – even to people who are supposedly their best friends. People that the only way you’ll know everything about them – is to do a background check!

This dominant “shadow” side of someone’s personality absolutely comes from traits that are a product of astrology! Here are four zodiac signs you may never ever truly know…

1. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Undoubtedly, Scorpio is the most secretive sign of the zodiac. Even to the people they care about the most and have the most loyalty to, there’s still a part of them they keep hidden. Scorpios are like the spies of the zodiac. They leave themselves the opportunity to be a “double agent.” They always keep a part of themselves hidden that they can use to their advantage in the future.

Scorpios can be vengeful and manipulative and use their secrets for leverage their enemy will never see coming. If you are about to hire a Scorpio to a critical position in an organization, you seriously might want to consider giving them a background check!

2. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It’s never easy to understand Gemini because of their dual nature. And they are more complicated than just being two-faced. They might have 100 faces! Gemini has the remarkable ability to be all things to all people – and still hide something from everyone.

This is a product of Gemini’s brilliant intellect, which gives them the ability to juggle many balls in the air without dropping a one! Gemini is the one sign of the zodiac that is such a master of secrets – they may be able to outsmart a background check!

3. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces has a reputation for being secretive, but their reasons for being that way aren’t necessarily nefarious. One reason Pisces doesn’t reveal everything about themselves has to do with their own hypersensitivity. Pisces simply wants to protect themselves from potential emotional hurt. In addition, Pisces realizes that they are naturally gullible.

And when they open up their trust too much to someone, it opens the door for them to be taken advantage of. Pisces is very intuitive, and naturally assumes other people might be as well. They don’t want people figuring out their thoughts and intentions, so they try their best to disguise their motivations whenever possible.

4. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius prefers to be in a position of superiority. For that reason, they never show all their cards. They always want to keep an ace or two up their sleeve. Not only does this give Aquarius an advantage, but it also gives them a certain degree of independence.

Plus, hiding parts of themselves reinforces their belief that they are smarter than other people. Aquarius is another sign where background checks can be helpful in uncovering secrets they might be trying to hide to manipulate the situation or their position.