My Sign Says

Find Your Love Nature through Your Venus and Mars Signs

Both the planets of Venus and Mars play an instrumental role in determining our romantic and love nature. Our sun signs, or zodiac signs, are only but one element – it’s important to also consider our Venus and Mars signs.

In this article, will show you how the influences of Venus and Mars affect your love nature!

The influence of Venus in your love life

Venus has mostly a positive influence upon us. It influences our appreciation of beauty, how we give and seek affection, what we are attracted to, how we appeal to others, our sensuality – and essentially – all of our qualities connected to love.

Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love, thus, is known as “The Love Goddess” in astrology. Venus has a more prominent effect on women than men in that women project more of their Venus qualities than men do.

Venus greatly affects our relationships and how we express our feelings and react emotionally within them. It presides over how we behave in relationships and what we want to gain from them

How we seek pleasure is ruled by Venus. Thus, it influences our tastes, and ultimately – what brings us pleasure and happiness. In short, Venus affects our longing for love.

The role of Venus balances our desires against our needs.

The influence of Mars in your love life

The planet Mars influences our impulses and actions. It’s responsible for our instincts and what we do subconsciously. If we pay close attention to how Mars affects us, it helps us to become more self-aware.

Being that Mars rules our motivations, it affects our determination, willpower, and discipline. It presides over how we go about getting what we want.

The strong effect Mars has on our motivation and drive spills over into our love lives – that means sex drive!

When it comes to love, Mars rules our primal passions and desires. Mars will influence what turns us on.

When it comes to lovemaking, Mars also has an effect on our vitality and stamina. It can determine whether we are insatiable or moderate when it comes to desire.

How to find your Venus sign

To determine your Venus sign, it is necessary to determine where exactly the planet Venus was on the date and time of your birth. There are many websites on the Internet that will give you a full listing table, with an exhaustive chart of your Venus sign.

Just do a search for: Venus sign tables.

How to find your Mars sign

To determine your Mars sign, it is necessary to determine where exactly the planet Mars was on the date and time of your birth. There are many websites on the Internet that will give you a full listing table, with an exhaustive chart of your Mars sign.

Just do a search for: Mars sign tables.

You can also get both tables at once on some websites by conducting a search for: Venus and Mars sign tables.