My Sign Says

Astrology Reading Cards and How to Do Your Own Reading

Combining the elements of New Age divination with the zodiac… Astrology reading cards are one way for people to do their own astrological forecasts when they don’t have easy access to their own personal astrologer.

What are astrology reading cards?

Astrology reading cards are a bit like combining a tarot deck with astrology. The card deck incorporates the influences of all twelve zodiac signs, as well as, the planets and houses.

Using these cards along with an included an oracle book which provides in-depth interpretations, people can do their own astrology readings, using the guidebook to properly interpret the revelations made by the cards.

What do astrology reading cards do?

Astrology reading cards allow people to seek spirit guiding advice and gain personal guidance through a card deck, when they can’t reach out to an astrologer, using a guidebook to interpret the answers revealed by the cards.

A combination of divination & astrology

As these cards are more divinatory in their nature, to obtain your personal reading from the cards – it is not is not necessary to know your birth date, time of birth, your rising sign or even your sun sign. You can obtain a reading of your future without the necessity of natal chart information. Instead, the deck uses astrology archetypes to gain astrology-based foresight.

About the cards

There are 36 astrology reading cards included in the deck. Twelve of these are zodiac sign cards, 12 are planet cards and 12 are house cards.

The zodiac sign cards:

The zodiac sign cards list the twelve signs of the zodiac and serve to represent any emotions or energetic charges that affect the specific issue the querent (the one asking the question) is focusing on.

The house cards:

In accordance with the houses of the zodiac and what each represents, the house cards represent these same areas of the querent’s life that might be affected by the matter in question by the querent.

The planet cards:

These cards align in accordance with what planets represent in the zodiac. The seven celestial bodies of classical astrology are included: Mercury, Mars, Venus (The inner planets); Jupiter and Saturn (the outer planets); the Sun and Moon; and the additional planets used in modern astrology: Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Chiron, and Vesta.

How readings are done

The recommended reading is a “three-card reading.” Although, for quick inspiration or guidance, you can do a one-card reading. However, for a clearer and more accurate answer, using three cards will give you a more in-depth result.

Doing your own reading

  1. In the three card reading, you separate the 36-card deck into its separate components of twelve: The zodiac sign cards, the planet cards, and the house cards.
  2. Separately fan out each set of twelve cards face down to draw from.
  3. Before selecting a card, mentally focus on your question.

Like tarot cards, astrology cards tap into our higher self to attract the answers we need toward us. This attraction leads us to unconsciously selecting the correct cards, even though we believe we are doing so at random.

Thinking along the lines of advised when getting readings from tarot cards, to receive the best answers – it’s best not to ask specific yes or no questions. Ask questions that would allow you to use answers as a guide to reaching a decision on your own.

  1. Having your question in mind and concentrating upon it, draw one card each from each separated group of cards.
  2. Each card will give you a brief meaning on its own, but also consult the included interpretation book to get a deeper and more in-depth understanding.
  3. Again to reiterate the meaning of each separate type of card:

The zodiac card: Indicates the traits and attributes of the question being explored.

The planet card: Indicates the influences, emotions, and energies involved.

The house card: Represents the area of the querent’s life that will be affected.