My Sign Says

5 Zodiac Signs that Shower Their Dates with Gifts

There are several things you can learn from these five zodiac signs that like to shower their dates with gifts. Let’s delve into what gift giving in the dating world tells us with these 5 signs!

1. Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo is the zodiac sign that keeps on giving. Not only are they likely to bring you a gift on the first date – but the gifts will keep on coming. The more gifts they give you, they are clearly sending the message that they really, really like you!

You should also pay attention to the value of each gift, is it directs lately to how much they value you!

2. Libra (September 23-October 22)

Don’t read too much into a gift on the first date from Libra. For Libra, who approach everything in life diplomatically, a gift presented on the first date is simply a way of starting relations out on a positive and amicable note. It’s a statement to say “I’m interested, and let’s see where it goes from here.”

However, if the gifts continue and veer into the extravagant – you know they are getting serious about you!

3. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

With Sagittarius, it’s easy to read too much into the gifts they give, especially the pricey ones. Sagittarius is carefree and frivolous when it comes to money. So that expensive gift they give you doesn’t necessarily equate to how strong their interest is in you and don’t read too much into them continuing to give you gifts.

Sagittarians just want to have fun and make people happy, so giving gifts doesn’t mean any more to them than buying rounds of drinks for everyone at the bar – it’s just a move to keep you smiling!

4. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The gifts that Taurus gives generally say more about them than about you. It’s a reflection of either: their materialistic side, personal style or sensuality. Gifts of a sensual nature mean that they are dying to wrap their arms around you! Other gifts may be their way of saying: “Check out my style – what do you think?”

It may be a way of feeling you out and seeing if you are on the same wavelength as them. Taurus is mindful with money, so they aren’t likely to keep showering you with gifts unless they are very serious about you!

5. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

When Capricorns start showering you with gifts it definitely means something. They like spending money on people they really care about. Not only does the act itself speak volumes, but the kinds of gifts they give make a statement to.

Capricorns are very thoughtful in what they select as a gift, and usually, give something of lasting value and quality – which is a synonym for that type of relationship they hope to have with you!