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The Influence of Neptune in Astrology

In this article we are going to take a look at the influence of the planet Neptune in astrology and on your horoscope, as we help you to understand how Neptune affects you at different times within your lifespan.


Your Zodiac sign or Sun sign in astrology is only a single part of the way the heavenly bodies affect your horoscope. Each zodiac sign has a ruling planet or two that influence that sign’s qualities. However, ancient astrology did not include Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – although modern astrology does – and it also includes the dwarf planet Ceres, and the comet Chiron.

Planets also play a major role, as their orbit places them a particular house of the zodiac at the time of your birth. When planets return to this zodiac house, each specific planet will affect you at different times within your life.

Let’s take a look at the influence of the planet Neptune on your horoscope.

Neptune is part of the outer planets

Neptune belongs to a grouping called “outer planets” in astrology. Outer planets are made up of planets that orbit the sun more slowly. The five outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Because these planets have longer orbits around the sun, their strongest affect on your life occurs only at certain points of your life.

Neptune takes 164.8 years to return to a single sign of the zodiac. Neptune remains in a single zodiac sign for 14 years. Because of the length of Neptune’s orbit, it is associated with generational changes.

Neptune goes into retrograde once each year, with each retrograde period lasting approximately six months. About 40 percent of people will have Neptune retrograde in their birth chart.

Neptune can’t be seen with the naked eye, and it was first deduced as an unknown planet through its gravity, and subsequently observed with a telescope by Johann Galle on September 23, 1846.

About Neptune in astrology

Neptune is the ruler of the zodiac sign Pisces. Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea, and as such, rules over the sea and all bodies of water, including rain, ice, mist, steam – liquids of every kind.

Neptune is a planet of inspiration, holding power over the subconscious. It influences inspiration, imagination, dreams, fantasies and spiritual visions. It is also connected with psychic receptivity and karma. Neptune influences our urges to surpass and reject any and all limitations, to exceed our boundaries and to excel in life.

Negative aspects of Neptune are confusion, disillusionment, being naïve, deception, deceit, trickery, guilt and addiction, including alcohol and drugs. This can cloud our ability to see things clearly, giving us a false perception of things. It interferes with our ability to separate illusion from fact. Just as it can influence how we understand things, Neptune can also influence how we are understood.

Neptune and your horoscope

How Neptune affects you depends on where the planet Neptune was at the moment you were born. To determine that, you will need to use a birth chart to determine what astrological house Neptune was in at the time of your birth.

The influence of Neptune

The planet Neptune is associated with imagination and dreams, and effects how one discerns reality from illusion. It helps clarify areas of life where confusion may exist from illusionary influences. Neptune’s influential strength lies in its ability to refine, purify and cleanse.

Neptune identifies how one might express their creativity through their imagination and how this part of one’s life might be expressed. It rules how we communicate visually, and this includes the visual arts.

Additionally, Neptune identifies what areas of life where one might find spiritual meaning. Depending on how strong Neptune’s influence is in your birth chart, it could identify those who have a natural attraction towards a spiritual or mystical path in life.