My Sign Says

The 5 Zodiac Signs Who Always FAIL at Cheating

You can find a cheater in any sign of the zodiac, although some signs are much less likely to stray. However, when it comes to cheating, some signs are better at it than others – and some are the WORST!

Based on astrology, the following five signs cheat, but they aren’t very good at it. Eventually they slip up and get caught.

We also live in an age that has moved towards gender equality, creating equal-opportunity-cheaters among all gender types!

1. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries’ primary problem is that, due to their impulsiveness, they simply can’t resist the temptation of anything that seems exciting. Not only that, but Aries are driven by a constant hunt for something more. This creates a very lustful attitude that is difficult for them to temper.

Being the risk-takers that Aries are, they are falsely optimistic, believing they won’t get caught – but they do. It’s definitely a case of curiosity always getting the cat, as their escapades unravel.

2. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius is ever on a quest for new adventures, and that applies to romantic affairs, too. Their impulsiveness makes it hard for them to say NO to new “opportunities.” Sagittarius outgoing, upbeat and enthusiastic attitude draws lots of “opportunities” toward them.

Sagittarius live for the thrill of conquest, which is one main reason it’s hard for them to stay committed. Sagittarius are blindly optimistic, and truly believe they won’t get caught, but they always slip up somewhere due to their careless nature.

3. Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo’s problem is that they love everybody – and want to love everybody. It makes them very lustful. They are constantly falling in love at first sight with people. Leos are also easily lured by admiration and attention from others, and will cheat to keep that feeling going.

Leos can be overly self-confident, which leads to them getting caught. Your only defense against a Leo straying is to shower them with attention so that they aren’t inclined to look elsewhere.

4. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio has such unbridled passion, they sometimes can’t feel satiated by just one lover. Add to that, is the envious, jealous and secret side of their personalities. Combine those and you’ve got a recipe for cheating.

But lust isn’t always the problem, sometimes Scorpio will cheat out of an act of revenge for a real or imagined offense by their partner. While Scorpios have superior skills at stealth, sooner or later they are betrayed by their own confidence and make a wrong move that reveals their pattern of deceit.

5. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius’ problem has to do with boredom and a constant quest for something new. They also love people, and are constantly attracted to the excitement of a new romantic adventure. These traits alone make it hard for an Aquarius to commit to one person.

And even when they do, being monogamous is very difficult for them, as they struggle with a constant lust for fresh experiences. The signs to watch for are an Aquarius being even more cranky and detached than normal or an even higher air of superiority.