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Combining Chakras with Astrology

Chakras are our energy centers, and they can be combined with astrology to maximize our energy potential while achieving a perfect balance of mind, body, and spirit.

Chakra balancing

Chakras attempt to create a balance of mind, body, and spirit, achieving a harmonious equilibrium by tapping into universal energy.

Chakras are part of ancient Hindu, Indian and Buddhist meditation practices associated with physical, mental and emotional interactions. Chakras focus on the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura, attempting to align a perfect flow with universal energy.

In the practice, one attempts to vitalize the physical body, while bringing a higher development to their self-consciousness in spirit.

Buddhist texts mention five chakras, while Hindu sources may offer six or seven.

The seven chakras & their astrological relationship

It is only the first six chakras that are associated with specific signs of the zodiac:

  1. Muladhara chakra, or the root chakra, is associated with Capricorn and Aquarius and is ruled by Saturn. It is connected with primal existence. It concerns the physical, controlled energy, structures, limitations, material energy and stability.
  2. Swadisthana chakra, or the sexual chakra (or sacral chakra), is associated with Sagittarius and Pisces and is ruled by Jupiter. It concerns sexual energy, seduction, sexual potential, emotions, expandability and sociability.
  3. Manipura chakra, or the solar chakra (or solar plexus chakra), is associated with Aries and Scorpio and ruled by Mars. It concerns confidence, charisma, willpower, force, strength, control and perseverance.
  4. Anahata chakra, or the heart chakra, is associated with Taurus and Libra and ruled by Venus. It concerns love and harmony.
  5. Visshuda chakra, or the throat chakra, is associated with Gemini and Virgo and is ruled by Mercury. It concerns intuition, communication, thinking, and self-expression.
  6. Ajna chakra, also called the third eye chakra (or forehead chakra), is associated with Cancer and Leo and is ruled by the Sun and Moon. It concerns intuition, mental functions, memory, active awareness, higher will, reflective awareness, and balance.

The seventh chakra

The seventh chakra, also called the crown chakra, is the Sahasrara chakra. It does not appear in the zodiac natal chart. The reason for this is that it holds no relationship with the material level – only with the higher spiritual worlds. The Sahasrara chakra is connected with transcendence an inspiration. It represents our connection and link to the Divinity of the universe.

Chakra effects on the planet and zodiac signs

The following below outlines the way each planet affects the energies of the zodiac signs they are associated with.

However, what is most important to know, is it is only when each chakric level reaches the very center, that the full energy of that chakra will truly manifest itself in a spiritually-balanced manner, beyond the dualistic qualities of the zodiac wheel.

  1. Root chakra: Saturn rules Aquarius by day and Capricorn by night.
  2. Sexual chakra: Jupiter rules Sagittarius by day and Pisces by night.
  3. Solar chakra: Mars rules Aries by day and Scorpio by night.
  4. Heart chakra: Venus rules Libra by day and Taurus by night.
  5. Throat chakra: Mercury rules Gemini by day and Virgo by night.
  6. The third eye chakra: The Sun rules Leo and the Moon rules Cancer.