My Sign Says

5 Zodiac Signs that Settle in Relationships

These 5 zodiac signs tend to be passive when it comes to relationships, accepting less than what they deserve or actually want. Whether out of desperation or the fear of being alone, these 5 zodiac signs will settle on having something rather than nothing.

In the end, they often find themselves in unhealthy or toxic relationships, situations where they are the one doing all the giving in the relationship.

Here are 5 zodiac signs that deserve so much more than they settle for.

1. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It is the strong trait of self-doubt that leads Cancer to settle in relationships. Outwardly, their insecurity demonstrates all the signs of poor self-esteem: clingy, needy and sulky. Cancers want to be wanted and tend to do all the giving and relationships to try to when the other’s love.

No matter how terribly their partner may treat them, Cancers will shrug it off, while giving kindness, devotion, and support in return. They are ripe to become victims of battered wife syndrome.

2. Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra always settle in relationships because compromising is one of the core traits of their personality. They hate conflict and will bend over backward to avoid it. Even when they are in the right, Libra will cave in just to make peace.

They are also very loyal and idealistic, believing that if they just keep working harder, the other person will finally see the light and change. Libras are also very social people who hate to be alone. Unfortunately, all of these factors combined, causes Libra to remain in unhealthy relationships way too long, or never get out at all.

3. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces can be very escapist, so when problems arise in a relationship, they sometimes bury their head in the sand and pretend everything is okay. They are one of the most self-sacrifice and signs of the zodiac, which is why they settle and sometimes put up with verbal, mental or even physical abuse.

The worst they are treated, the harder they try to turn things around with love and compassion. But like a wolf that smells weakness, bad actors seem to spot Pisces as easy prey they can take full advantage of – and do.

4. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

One reason Taurus will stick it out in a relationship that is obviously not working comes down to ego – they hate to admit they have made a mistake – something that is extremely difficult for them to do. They are also very loyal, and determined, believing they can fix what’s wrong. Not only that, despite how driven Taurus can be, they also have a lazy side.

The thought of trying to find someone new, then start over in a new relationship – sounds like way too much work to Taurus. All this adds up to them sticking it out in relationships that aren’t worth sticking with.

5. Virgo (August 23 September 22)

Despite being the perfectionists they are, Virgos don’t always seek perfection in relationships, and there’s a simple explanation for it – self-pity. Virgos tend to stay in unhealthy relationships to have an excuse to feel sorry for themselves. It’s like a badge of honor to say, “look what I have to endure.” It’s a conversation starter.

Virgos like to fix things, and they will view a rocky relationship as a challenge, something they can eventually perfect. But of course, that never happens. Virgo’s hyper-critical attitude toward everything about their partner only makes the situation worse, creating a toxic stew.