My Sign Says

5 Zodiac Signs that Let Money Hurt Relationships

Depending on which article or report by a psychologist you read, money issues either tops the list or is definitely within the top ten causes for relationship failures.

A big problem with money in relationships is someone not being responsible with it. And don’t think this is just a problem with married couples – dating couples have money challenges, too.

Whether it is overspending, not working and earning, gambling, or not being responsible for one’s financial share – money has led to the ruin of many a relationship.

At its core, money issues are about more than money, there’s a bigger picture involved. The issues with money are rooted in some of our deepest psychological fears and needs. Money issues concern trust, survival, safety, security, as well as, power and control.

1. Aries (March 21-April 19)

The impulsiveness of Aries extends into how they handle money. Aries is impatient and when they want something – they want it now. Add to that, Aries’ tendency to be self-centered leads to spending without consideration of how it affects their partner.

They can also be childish and quick-tempered, especially when they’re not getting what they want, so arguments over money are commonplace.

2. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius has a carefree attitude that evolves into careless, especially when it comes to money. Whether it’s picking up the tab for round after round of drinks, or footing the bill for frivolous souvenirs during an excursion – they seem to be blind to the balance in their bank account our how high the debt on their credit card is building up.

Sagittarius wants to have a good time but often does so to the detriment of their financial responsibilities.

3. Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libras love to be stylish. Whether it’s clothing, house decor, technology or vehicle accessories – Libras can be extremely self-indulgent and extravagant in their taste. They find a way to rationalize the cost, putting their wants over their budget. Libras tend to spend and it can drive their partner up the wall.

Even after an amicable, rational discussion with their partner, agreeing to curb spending, nonetheless, they can’t help themselves. Libra’s biggest problem is being easily influenced and not being able to resist spontaneous purchases. Libra’s shopaholic tendencies are a difficult disease to cure.

4. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces has good intentions, but they can let their big heart overload their bank account. Sometimes they give when they really can’t afford to. The sentiment is nice, but your bills won’t care. Another problem is how gullible Pisces can be. It’s easy for slick salespeople or someone with a sob story to talk Pisces out of their money.

In relationships, Pisces can be very absent-minded and scatterbrained, which can lead to bills going unpaid, creating penalties and bad credit marks unnecessarily.

5. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarians are all about anything new. Whether it’s household or kitchen gadgets, automotive, clothing, and especially technology – they just have to have the latest and greatest. There’s also the act of keeping up with the Joneses to have the bragging rights of being on the leading edge of whatever it is.

In relationships, Aquarius may resent a partner who is trying to exert control over them to be more financially responsible. They may actually go out and buy something – for the sole purpose of being rebellious and to assert their own authority.