My Sign Says

What are the Fixed Zodiac Signs?

In the third of our 3 part series, we look at an important grouping of zodiac signs in astrology that is based upon what are called “The Quadruplicities,” in which groups of four signs are separated into three important divisions or modalities: The Cardinal mode, the Fixed mode, and the Mutable mode.

In this article, we are going to investigate the Fixed mode.


Understanding the Quadruplicities

In astrology, the twelve signs of the zodiac are divided into the four elements of three signs each (earth, fire, water, air). Similarly, there is also a concept known as “The Quadruplicities” that divides four zodiac signs into three modes.

The Quadruplicities divide zodiac signs into three groups of four, referred to as “modalities” or a mode.

The three modes are: The Cardinal mode, the Fixed mode and the Mutable mode.

The Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn

The Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius

The Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces

The characteristics of all fixed signs

The fixed signs make up the second, fifth, eighth and eleventh signs of the zodiac.

As the term “fixed” implies, these are zodiac signs have characteristics representing security, stability and an unchanging manner. They represent signs that are firm, dependable and loyal.

Fixed signs are those that are creatures of habit, ones who have routines and enjoy them. Likewise, they can be inflexible and find it difficult to adjust to new situations, and try their best to resist change.

The fixed signs are generally highly persistent, goal-oriented and hard workers. They also have impeccable morals and resolute moral strength.

When these signs do change things, it is along the lines of returning things to how they were before. In other words: Change for the sake of restoration. They bring order to things that have been neglected, fallen out of order or have drifted into chaos.

Characteristics of each specific fixed sign

1. Taurus

Taurus is focused on stability, whether it is regarding self, home or wealth. Most often, they have a strong focus on material things, although mostly these are the things of a practical nature such as career, home, transportation and other necessities of living a comfortable, but practical life. Taurus is known for stubbornness, which is primarily a product of their resistance to change and desire to make every part of their life stable.

They fixate very strongly on what they focus on and can become resolute and immovable toward anything that attempts to change this focus. They are also among the most loyal signs of the zodiac.

2. Leo

Leo is focused on the stability of their power, authority and enthusiasm. They focus on making others aware of their superiority in particular areas for the purpose of reminding everyone of why they are ascended to a leadership position and why they should remain there. Changes that Leo makes are for the purpose of maintaining stability in their lives.

In terms of work, they are strongly focused and stick with things to bring them to a successful conclusion. Leo also puts a lot of effort into keeping inspired to maintain their enthusiasm. In terms of loyalty, Leo is rock-solid.

3. Scorpio

Scorpio stability comes in terms of controlling their emotional reactions. You could say they have the ability to maintain a perfect “poker face,” never revealing their thoughts or motivations. The stability of Scorpio’s emotional control also colors their feelings – there are no gray areas. Scorpios are either hot or cold, never lukewarm, never ambivalent – being strongly for or against things with no in-between. This balance sometimes makes Scorpio appear cold or even cruel.

4. Aquarius

Although Aquarius is ever on the search for new knowledge, once they develop their beliefs, especially their core beliefs – they are firmly fixed. If they develop a revolutionist attitude – they will remain a revolutionary. If they have an idealistic worldview – that will never change – they’re not going to turn around and become a conservative.

Because of their intellect, Aquarians often develop an elitist attitude, which also becomes fixed and makes it difficult for them to tolerate the less knowledgeable. Aquarians tend to see themselves as “originals” with an ability to perceive truths in the world.

They’re resistant to become “the sheep” of the world, those who blindly follow along with everything they’re told and never question things.