My Sign Says

Understanding the Elements in Astrology

Astrology was developed in ancient times when only four primary elements were considered: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. On a psychological level, astrology finds that we all have the influence of these elements within us, and thus, these play a role in determining our horoscope.


Four primal elements

In modern times, we understand that in the periodic table of chemical elements, there are 118. But when it comes to astrology, only the four basic elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water are necessary.

These four primal elements are what early mankind dealt with on a day-to-day basis:The earth beneath one’s feet. The element of air, feeling wind on one’s face. The movement of water in a stream or raining down from the sky. The element of fire to generate heat and to light the darkness.

These four elements were critical to mankind’s survival. Air to breathe, water to drink, earth for food and fire for warmth.

The 4 elements of the zodiac

The twelve Sun signs of the zodiac are divided into the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water in groups of three or triplicities. Within each triplicity, are three compatible signs with each being mutually complementary.

1. Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Common traits: Energetic, enthusiastic, spontaneous, courageous, strength, ambitious, creative, impatient, volatile.

Fire signs are much like fire itself: Energetic and warm. They possess a lot of passion, and they desire to do things – ambitious and big things. They often take the lead or take on leadership roles.

On the flipside, with heat comes volatility. They can be temperamental, aggressive, domineering or violent.

However, fire signs that master both their positive and negative traits use them to great advantage. Their energy is inspirational and their heat provides strength, support and courage when it is needed.

2. Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Common traits: Practical, responsible, stable, secure, productive, persistent, sensual, cautious, stubborn, argumentative, inflexible.

Earth signs are much like the earth itself: Permanent, resilient and solid. They are highly dependable, with an iron will, and they accomplish great things through steadfast consistency. Earth signs are also drawn towards earthly pleasures, seeking to immerse themselves in highly sensual experiences and to acquire material goods.

However, like the Earth, these signs have their own versions of a volcanic eruption or earthquake – and their outbursts can be furious. They can also be an immovable stone, resistant to changes or adaptations, which can limit progress. They’ll argue to the very death.

Earth signs that master their dual natures use both their positive and negative traits to make steady accomplishments, while standing firm against anything that might stop them.

3. Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Common traits: Intellectual, insightful, innovative, curious, creative, communicative, adaptable, technologically-minded.

Air signs are associated with the invisible realm of the air where the mind and thoughts operate. Air is also the medium that carries our speech when we communicate. Air signs are very much people of ideas, and are skilled communicators who help circulate intellectual concepts to others where they spread and grow. They are highly focused on reasoning and working with others to create and innovate for the common good. They are idealistic and seek cooperation and harmony between people.

On the flipside, they can overwhelm themselves with ideas and have a hard time committing or making decisions. They can have so many things going that they never finish what they start. They can be superficial, shrewd, selfish, elitist, and lack loyalty.

4. Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

Common traits: Intuitive, sensitive, compassionate, empathetic, self-sacrificing, imaginative, emotional, secretive.

Water signs operate in the world of the unconscious mind, where intuition, sensitivity and emotions take rule. They follow their instincts and gut reactions, and trust these to a high degree of accuracy. They are perceptive and can feel what other people fail to notice. They can feel the emotions of others. They put others first, being nurturing and supportive, as we all need water to live. Water signs are also imaginative and creative. Like the flow of water, they are adaptable.

It is interesting to note that when we cry, the element of water comes out in our tears. Water signs are hyper-sensitive and overly-emotional. When they are hurt, they often withdraw or can become secretive. This makes them unpredictable. They can become revengeful.

However, these water signs are like water itself, they find balance by flowing around and over the things in life, as well as, with their own traits.