My Sign Says

The One Trait Each Zodiac Sign has that Hurts their Success

While each sign of the zodiac is blessed with certain abilities and talents that help them achieve success – they also have traits that cause them to get in their own way.

The road to success is a long one. And along that road, we all have our own particular traits and habits that lead us to put up roadblocks for ourselves.


In this article, we’ll look at the one, unique, singular trait particular to each zodiac sign that can be an impediment to their success.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For Aries, it’s their impulsiveness. Because Aries comes up with so many good ideas, they tend to jump from one thing to the next, never finishing what they start. Therefore, Aries: Your key to success is finishing things.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For Taurus, it’s inflexibility. Not being able to compromise closes doors that could lead to opportunity. Not changing when change is necessary. Therefore, Taurus: Your key to success is learning to adapt and bend where it’s necessary, even letting go of a little pride.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

For Gemini, it’s their lack of commitment. Their downfall is not being able to be counted on, being unavailable or not stepping up at key moments. Therefore, Gemini: Your key to success is making a firm choice, sticking to and sticking with something.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

For Cancer, it’s family ties. In terms of career success, when push comes to shove – Cancer will always choose family over career. This closes the doors on some opportunities or limits how far they can climb up the corporate ladder.

Therefore, Cancer: Your key to success is that you may have to make compromises when it comes to family – if your goal is to ascend in your career. However, it’s all about priorities and values. There is certainly nothing wrong with putting family first.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

For Leo, their goals can become too lofty. Leos will try to take on too many things at once, achieving little in the process. Therefore, Leo: Your key to success is scaling down your ambitions to focus on solidifying one thing at a time and building brick-by-brick.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

For Virgo, it’s their perfectionism. They wear themselves down trying to control everything around them, down to the smallest detail. Therefore, Virgo: Your key to success is to stop sweating the small stuff. Focus on the things that really matter in the big picture and learn to let everything else slide.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

For Libra, it’s exhausting themselves by trying to make everyone happy. While Libra always tries to find the perfect balance between themselves and others, as well as, between groups of people – you can never please everyone, no matter how hard you try.

Therefore, for Libra: Your key to success is to accept that you can’t please everyone. Set boundaries for yourself to leave room for your own physical and mental health.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

For Scorpio, it’s resentment and jealousy. Life isn’t fair. Scorpio burns way too much energy stewing over someone else that got an “unfair” advantage. Therefore, Scorpio: Your key to success is focusing on what you do and being the best at it. You’ll get where you’re going much faster and won’t be wasting your energy on mental anguish over other people.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

For Sagittarius, it’s not learning from past mistakes. Sagittarius runs on impulse and enthusiasm, and can be forgetful of what went down previously, doing the same thing but expecting to get a different result. Therefore, Sagittarius: Your key to success is not making the same mistake twice.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

For Capricorn, it’s unrealistic standards. Capricorn has a tendency to set the bar too high, not making a move, waiting for “the right time” because they think they aren’t ready or their work “isn’t good enough.” Therefore, Capricorn: Your key to success is to stop waiting for “the right time” because there never will be a right time – the right time is now.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

For Aquarius, it’s trying too hard to find “it.” Aquarius is always on the search for the next great thing, seeking an elusive “it” thing that is going to be life-changing. The problem is: “It” is hard to define and may never come along in one’s lifetime.

Therefore, Aquarius: Your key to success is to understand that you could waste your life searching but never finding. Find something you really feel passionate about, settle on it and build your success from there.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

For Pisces, it’s being self-sacrificing. Pisces can put so much effort and time into helping and supporting others, that they miss the bus when it comes to their own success. Therefore, Pisces: Your key to success is this… While helping others is noble, you also need to provide care for “the caretaker.”

It’s important to support yourself first, or you won’t have the energy or means to help others.