My Sign Says

How to Use Astrology to Guide Your Success

Using astrology and your horoscope can bring big benefits to your pursuit of success. Understanding your horoscope can reveal your personality traits, even your hidden ones that can be revealed through your moon sign.

Once you fully understand yourself, you can use your strengths, but even more importantly – prevent your weaker traits from becoming an obstacle to your success.


Ambitious signs

Some zodiac signs tend to be more driven than others. They are goal setters who also are able to find focus and make things happen.

Signs that fall into these categories can excel in any field, but are often pioneers and entrepreneurs who blaze new trails.

Natural leaders

In particular: Aries, Taurus, Capricorn and Leo are all signs that have strong leadership qualities.

That’s not to say that other signs cannot make good leaders. But it’s only to say that, if you are among the four aforementioned signs, you have natural leadership abilities. You may want to consider working on developing and refining your leadership skills to help you find success in such roles.

Aquarius is another sign that fits within this category in terms of entrepreneurial and pioneering ambitions.

Other signs that have strong drive, dedication and tenacity are: Scorpio and Virgo.

On the flipside, these signs need to temper their negative traits, which include: Being too bossy; being too demanding and critical; overworking; being inflexible; not adapting to change when necessary.

Are you practical or a dreamer?

While every sign in the zodiac has its own creativity, those creative abilities fall into different categories. One is on the more practical side, and the other is in the creative world of ideas.

Signs that fall into these categories excel in the arts, technology, advertising, science and other fields.

Creative signs

When we say dreamer, we are referring to people who have a strong creative side using thoughts and intellect. The signs that are strong in ideas, intellect and creativity are: Pisces, Cancer and Aquarius. To a lesser extent, Leo also falls into this category, but they are a bit of a hybrid between creative and practical.

On the flipside, these signs have to be aware of their opposite traits, which include: a tendency to become lost in thoughts; coming up with a constant stream of ideas but never executing a plan; becoming too self-critical; being gullible or naïve; becoming lazy.

Practical signs

Some signs have creative abilities that fall into more practical categories, whether through analytical or creative efficiency.

These signs are: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio.

These signs are both hard-working and highly efficient.

On the flipside, the signs need to look out for their negative traits, which include: Becoming overly critical; stubbornness; resentment or jealousy; over-working.