My Sign Says

How the Zodiac is Represented in Tarot Cards

There is a connection between the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 78 cards in a tarot deck. In this article, will show you which cards of the tarot represent the zodiac signs and how they relate to your horoscope.


The Zodiac & the Major Arcana

The Zodiac is represented by 12 tarot cards belonging to the Major Arcana (also called trumps). The Major Arcana cards are a particular suit of 22 cards within the 78-card tarot deck.

These Major Arcana cards usually are those that feature a person, object or place and are named after them, such as: “The Emperor” or “The Chariot.”

In terms of how these cards relate to the zodiac, just as your sun sign represents your overall characteristics, the same applies to these cards of the tarot which represent your sun sign.

Most of what is represented in the Major Arcana tarot cards are archetypal figures. And as such, as they apply to the zodiac, these represent the essence of the characteristics and traits found in a particular zodiac sign.

The 12 Major Arcana cards that represent the zodiac

Here are the tarot cards that equate with each zodiac sign.

Aries = The Emperor

Tarot Meaning: authority, structure and solid foundation.

reversed: domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility.

Astrological Focus: dependability, loyalty, analytical, authoritative.

Taurus = The Hierophant

Tarot Meaning: religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs

reversed: restriction, challenging the status quo.

Astrological Focus: learning, seeking the truth, insight, life lessons.

Gemini = The Lovers

Tarot Meaning: love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices

reversed: disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values

Astrological Focus: duality, moral choices, integrity.

Cancer = The Chariot

Tarot Meaning: control, willpower, victory, assertion, determination

reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression

Astrological Focus: achievement, overcoming conflict, security, intuition.

Leo = Strength

Tarot Meaning: strength, courage, patience, control, compassion

reversed: weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline

Astrological Focus: courage, self-confidence, strength, mental power, spirituality.

Virgo = The Hermit

Tarot Meaning: soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance

reversed: isolation, loneliness, withdrawal

Astrological Focus: inward journey, exploring self-history, purpose, innocent and open-mindedness.

Libra = Justice

Tarot Meaning: justice, fairness, truth, cause-and-effect, law

reversed: unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty

Astrological Focus: balancing desire against needs, seeking fairness, serving the greater good.

Scorpio = Death

Tarot Meaning: endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition

reversed: resistance to change, unable to move on.

Astrological Focus: transformation, rebirth, inner mystery.

Sagittarius = Temperance

Tarot Meaning: balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning

reversed: imbalance, excess, lack of long term vision

Astrological Focus: being a mediator, working on awareness and understanding, overcoming difficulties.

Capricorn = The Devil

Tarot Meaning: bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism

reversed: detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed

Astrological Focus: facing your inner-self and darker aspects of your personality, spiritual transformation, removing negativity, increasing confidence

Aquarius = The Star

Tarot Meaning: Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity.

reversed: lack of faith, despair, discouragement

Astrological Focus: optimism, achievement, encouragement.

Pisces = The Moon

Tarot Meaning: Intuition, anxiety, fear, illusions, the subconscious.

reversed: Letting go of fear, repressing emotions, mental confusion.

Astrological focus: Intuitive powers, being attuned, using and controlling emotions and moods, using compassion to help others.