My Sign Says

5 Zodiac Signs that Seek Quality Time in Relationships

Everyone expresses love differently. When it comes to relationships, everyone has different needs and requirements, something that’s important to them. For many people, more than anything, they want someone who spends time with them. And not just time – but quality time.

Being in the same room with someone isn’t the same as spending quality time with them.


Today, many people are together in the same room or at the same table, yet are lost in their own world, usually on one of their electronic devices. That kind of “togetherness” isn’t quality time.

Quality time means giving the other person your undivided attention. It means communicating, sharing, experiencing, making memories and even intimate moments.

5 signs that need quality time in relationships

Anything less than quality time won’t fly for the following 5 zodiac signs in a relationship. One thing that is important to note, all of these signs are passive, feminine energy signs, which causes them to be a bit insecure and needy. This astrological influence is absolutely why undivided attention is so important to them.

1. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The sign of Cancer is very home-oriented, and that’s the driving force behind their need to spend quality time in relationships, as well as with everyone they love. Cancer is always giving and doing for others, and they literally feel insulted when someone can’t reciprocate by merely giving them their undivided attention when they are together.

Their tendency to be needy or clingy is a reflection of their wanting to give their all to another.

2. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

While a Pisces can easily spend time alone or work alone, often being a bit of an escapist, that’s not the case when it comes to relationships. In relationships, they are 180 degrees the opposite. When they are with someone – they want to be totally with that person. They give that person their complete and undivided attention and they want the same in return.

Pisces want the other person to know how deeply they care, and as such, they give their all. This is where Pisces’ self-sacrificing qualities become evident.

3. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

When Virgo is in love they are all in. And that attitude makes them expect the same in return. They can become quite hurt when the other person isn’t reciprocating, and it’s what triggers their irritability. When you see your Virgo partner begin to start fussing about everything, it can be a red flag signaling they need some of your attention.

Spending some quality time with them can quickly flip things around to reinvigorate their loving and sensual side.

4. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn seeks efficiency and quality in everything they do, and relationships are no different. They put a lot of time and effort into their goals, sure, but when Capricorn puts time aside for relationships – that time is very important. It’s an insult to them when the other person doesn’t view time together in the same way.

When a Capricorn’s special someone is there – but not there – it hurts them deeply. It may even cause them to begin to question the value of the relationship, wondering if their time would be better spent pursuing other things or someone else.

5. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio is one of the most sensuous and passionate signs of the zodiac. But that fire, like any fire, can quickly cool from lack of attention. You need to keep the kindling going. Scorpio is loyal and wants to give their all to the one they love. But when the one they love ignores them, they brood.

At that point, they become a simmering pot that will boil over if neglected. Quality time means paying attention – otherwise you have disaster!