My Sign Says

5 Zodiac Signs that Have Trust Issues in Relationships

Trust… it’s a terrible thing to break.

For these five zodiac signs, trust doesn’t come easy. Astrology has given them insight. They are wise in the ways of the world, but more importantly – they understand human nature. They know that when there’s an opportunity to take advantage, some people will. When the cat’s away, the mouse will play.


It’s not that these five signs don’t want to trust – they want to. But they view trust in the same way as respect… It takes time to build and it’s something you earn.

1. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Trust in relationships for Scorpio is a bit like flying a kite. They’ll let out a little string at a time, seeing if the wind is going to support it – to see if it’s going to fly. They give people the opportunity to earn their trust. Scorpio can be the most loving and loyal sign in the zodiac if you treat them right.

But wrong them… and they can be your worst nightmare. Lie to them, and at best – it’s over. At worst, you’re going to feel the painful sting of their revenge.

2. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries are impulsive with just about everything, including trust. They are passionate when it comes to relationships and sometimes their enthusiasm gets the best of them. They’ll naively give out too much trust a little too soon. But it only takes getting hurt a time or two before they quickly learn their lesson.

Unfortunately, this has lasting repercussions, which can make them become a more distant and self-centered in future relationships. It’s their way of protecting themselves from heartbreak.

3. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorns are very open and down-to-earth people. However, early life experiences typically strip away their naive open heart, after they have a few disappointments. From that point on… “Once bitten, twice shy” becomes Capricorn’s motto. Their heart becomes unforgiving.

While Capricorns love being in a relationship, they remove “kiss and makeup” from their vocabulary. Lose their trust once, and it’s lost forever.

4. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

A Taurus learns early in life that just because they are trustworthy, it doesn’t mean other people are as well. As Taurus comes to know themselves, they realize that their tendency to be warmhearted and loyal also makes them ripe for being taken advantage of.

However, Taurus has infinite patience and a strong will, which makes them capable of waiting things out before they surrender their trust to someone who could turn around and hurt them.

5. Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo is a sign with a huge, generous heart. Because of this, they usually get burned a few times early in life, and those experiences teach them to be a lot more cautious with whom they trust. Learning their lessons the hard way, they aren’t about to let themselves be burned twice.

While Leo longs to be in a stable and long-lasting relationship, they’re only going to dole out a small piece of their heart at a time. Ultimately, they’ll open themselves up completely, but that privilege is going to have to be earned.