My Sign Says

4 Zodiac Signs Prone to Choosing Career over Family

Your zodiac sign, along with the moon and planets, all have a strong influence over what interests you and to what degree. As a result, what some people have a passion for drives them toward a specific career.

Whether they will put career before family simply comes down to how strong their passion for their chosen avocation is and how important success is to them.


When passion = career

For some people, their career is much more than a job. It’s their passion. It’s their lifeblood.

Here is the strongest indicator: When someone has a passion so strong in a particular interest, to where even if they didn’t didn’t get paid for it – they’d do it for free.

Pros & cons to career success

There’s good and bad to a situation where your career and passion are on equal footing.

The good is… These people have a perfect alignment of passion and career. They get paid for doing what they love. It’s never going to feel like work and they’re going to enjoy doing it for the rest of their life.

The bad side is… For some people who feel this way about their avocation, their career becomes the most important thing in their life. And that means – family is secondary.

There are different strokes for different folks.

Success is how you define it.

For some people, obtaining success in a particular career has been their goal since childhood. It’s driven them their entire lives and becomes part of who they are.

Yet for others, family is a reflection of success. For these people, career success means very little if there is no family to come home to at the end of the day.

The 4 signs likely to put career first

1. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarians can become completely consumed with a number of things they may put before family: Their passions, goals, career or pursuit of knowledge. For some Aquarians, their work is everything.

Work is there life and life is all about their work. They can’t separate the two. Aquarians who have the highest of intellects, often going to the fields of science. For example, Thomas Edison, Galileo and Charles Darwin were all Aquarians.

2. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

For some Sagittarians, family can feel like an anchor that holds them down in one place and prevents them from a more freewheeling career. Sagittarians crave adventure and excitement, and often seek careers that provide it.

Many Sagittarius seek careers where they travel a lot. Naturally, this doesn’t always work well for family, keeping them away from home frequently or even for long stretches of time. The demands of their career can become a tug-of-war situation where Sagittarius is continually pulled between family and their work.

3. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Prominence and success are highly important to Aries, and it certainly can take prominence over marriage and family to many born under this sign. Aries strives to be first, they see themselves as leaders – and they are. Aries strives to be the best, and getting to the pinnacle in any career is demanding.

Aries is relentless, refusing to let anything get in the way of their goals – and that includes family. Being second is not an option to Aries, thus, family doesn’t come first – their success does.

4. Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leos are natural leaders who crave being in prominent positions or the spotlight. This is why many Leo’s are led towards demanding careers that payoff for them in terms of recognition or attention.

As such, Leos often end up in fields that make it hard to balance career and family, such as entertainment fields or those that require long hours or constant travel. Success is of ultimate importance to Leo, and family will almost certainly take a backseat when push comes to shove.