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What Crystal Grids Do & How to Set Up and Use One

Going back into antiquity, crystals have been used by Shamans, healers and other practitioners of spiritual arts for the powers that they possess.

However, when crystals are used within a grid, they can create much more powerful results than a single crystal alone. Let’s take a look at crystal grids and what they do…


The power of crystals

While some people may scoff at the power of crystals, consider this from a scientific perspective… Many electronics use a quartz crystal in order to transmit energy and information. That’s a scientific fact. Therefore, if the crystals are used in scientific applications and are scientifically proven – then it is reasonable to assume that all crystals, likewise, have energy properties and their own unique abilities. Many types of stones actually contain a significant amount of quartz.

Ways to use crystal grids

Crystal grids can be used for a variety of purposes such as healing, love, mind, body, spirit, health, calm, peace and much more.

What is a crystal grid?

Simply put, crystal grids are an arrangement of crystals and stones in a specific geometric pattern for the purpose of directing their energy toward a desired goal. The use of multiple crystals in a geometric pattern can greatly strengthen the power of crystals, aiding in manifesting results much sooner.

Such arraignments are also referred to as sacred geometry. This sacred geometry creates a union between the stones and your intention.

Different crystal grid geometries can be used for different purposes, and some people have different crystal grids within every room of their house directed to a variety of objectives.

It’s important to choose crystals that align with your goals, so the first place to start is developing an understanding of the different crystals and what powers each possesses.

The most important thing to know in a crystal grid is that your central crystal needs to harmonize with your intention, as well as, the other crystals used within the grid.

Styles of crystal grids

Arrangements of crystal and stone grids have been used since ancient times. The type of crystal grid you will use will vary depending on your purpose.

One early type of grid was called a medicine wheel.

Another simple style of crystal grid is a “Star of David” arrangement, in which one large stone is placed in the center (representing the star’s radiant center), surrounded by six elongated crystals representing the light beams of the star.

Now that crystal grids are becoming so popular, you can obtain many layout patterns online, as well as purchase books filled with a variety of crystal grids.

How to set up your crystal grid

  • The first step is selecting a location for the placement of the grid in your home. It’s important to select a location where your grid will not be disturbed.
  • Then, it’s a good idea to “cleanse” the space where your grid will reside. There are several ways to do this, one is to hold your crystals under running water, or smudging the crystals and area with Sage, you can also place the crystals in sunlight (except for colored stones), as well as, you can cleanse it with Reiki and/or prayer.
  • Next, set up the surrounding stones to form your crystal grid layout. Start from the exterior of the grid and move towards the center. You need to say a prayer of intent. Hold your master crystal in your hands as you pray, best done with an affirmation related to your intent. Then return it to the center of your grid.
  • Lastly, activate your crystal grid layout by taking a crystal point (large or small) and start drawing an imaginary invisible line between each stone to energetically connect one stone to the next. Think of it as “connecting the dots.”

Now your crystal grid is finished and activated!