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What Are the Mutable Zodiac Signs?

An important grouping of zodiac signs in astrology is based upon “The Quadruplicities,” where groups of four signs are separated into three important divisions or modalities: The Cardinal mode, the Fixed mode, and the Mutable mode. In this article, we are going to investigate the Mutable mode.


The Quadruplicities

In astrology, similar to the way the twelve signs of the zodiac are divided into the four elements of three signs each (earth, fire, water, air), there is also a concept known as “The Quadruplicities.”

The Quadruplicities divide zodiac signs into three groups of four, referred to as “modalities” or a mode.

The three modes are: The Cardinal mode, the Fixed mode and the Mutable mode.

The Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn

The Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius

The Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces

The characteristics of all Mutable signs

The mutable signs make up the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth signs of the zodiac.

The word “mutable” itself means “subject to change.” And as such, one of the most noteworthy characteristics of the mutable signs are their ability to be adaptable to change. They have the ability to conform and adjust well to all situations.

On the flipside of their high degree of tolerance and flexibility, the mutable signs can sometimes lack commitment or be unstable.

The mutable signs are often agents of change. Their involvement may change a particular thing into something else. They may be responsible for provoking a change of direction or focus. They are often responsible for bringing about an end to things or closure.

Characteristics of each specific mutable sign

1. Gemini

Gemini is an extremely communicative air sign with a dual nature. Gemini is highly adaptable, yet can be noncommittal and unstable. However, Gemini’s adaptability leads to swift performance in areas involving the intellect. While they have a lightning-quick wit and charm, their reluctance to commit can make them superficial, in both conversation and loyalty, never quite taking a side, and often engaging in gossip.

2. Virgo

Virgo, a highly efficient air sign, is always analyzing, acting on new information, and can change their position quite often, in their never-ending quest for perfection. Their keen observational skills allow them to make clear assessments, knowing when change is necessary or when situations need to be ended or resolved.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is an enthusiastic fire sign, always on the lookout for new adventures. But this ongoing quest, coupled with their carefree nature, can lead to a lack of commitment. Sagittarius’ optimism allows them to adjust easily to most situations. They are fair and honest, using truth to bring change or closure.

4. Pisces

Pisces is a highly adaptable water sign, who uses their penetrative sense of intuition like radar to direct them, going with the flow, anticipating when flexibility and change are needed, and knowing when to bring an end to things. Even though Pisces can be influenced by strong emotions, their easy-going nature serves them in diminishing conflict, as well as, forgiving and forgetting.