My Sign Says

What Are the Cardinal Zodiac Signs?

An important grouping of zodiac signs used in developing a horoscope in astrology is called “The Cardinal Zodiac Signs.” These are based upon an astrological mode called “The Quadruplicities.” In this article, we are going to investigate the Cardinal mode and what it means to making astrological forecasts.


The Quadruplicities

Similar to the way the twelve signs of the zodiac are divided into the four elements of three signs each (earth, fire, water, air), there is another concept which is called “The Quadruplicities.”

The Quadruplicities divide zodiac signs into three groups of four, referred to as “modalities” or a mode.

“The Quadruplicities” consists of: The Cardinal mode, the Fixed mode, and the Mutable mode.

They are divided into these three modes as such:

The Cardinal zodiac signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn

The Fixed zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius

The Mutable zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces

The characteristics of all Cardinal signs

The Cardinal signs make up the first, fourth, seventh and tenth signs of the zodiac.

The word “Cardinal” comes from the French word “card” which means a hinge, and in the zodiac, it represents “something turning.” And as such, the Cardinal signs are involved with things opening up, beginning, new creations, new enterprises and the birth of things. The Cardinal signs are often the agents behind new creations, undertakings and enterprises.

On the flipside, the negative aspects are that Cardinal signs can be selfish, with an excessive attention and focus upon themselves. Being entrepreneurial and driven, they don’t want simply to be part of something new, but the leader of it, seated at the very top. Their degree of assertiveness will vary from sign to sign.

Characteristics of each specific Cardinal sign

1. Aries

Aries, a bold fire sign, is strongly assertive, fearless and not hesitant about charging headlong into new undertakings, sometimes blindly. Nonetheless, this attitude makes them strong leaders who get results, while inspiring others and gaining support along the way.

2. Cancer

Cancer, an emotional water sign, takes a different route to the top then other Cardinal signs. Instead of charging straight ahead, Cancer will often weave their way through their assent, zigzagging to the top, sometimes approaching things sideways. This method allows them to make strong emotional connections and build up allies to support them along the way, much like a mountain climber uses stakes to prevent a fall.

3. Libra

Libra, a well-balanced air sign, makes upward progress through an even disposition and the use of a sensible intellect. Libra possesses expert negotiating skills, and uses these to create partnerships that offer win-win situations. As a result, they develop cooperative systems which help foster joint endeavors, putting more boots on the ground to get results.

4. Capricorn

Capricorn, an efficient Earth sign, has a strong go-getter attitude, and is a capable leader with a profound ability to build cooperative relationships. Capricorn begins every endeavor grounded in practicality, while making sure and steady progress toward a goal. Capricorn succeeds through hard work performed to the highest of standards, with strict attention to every detail.

This standard of excellence, not only establishes a stellar track record for Capricorn, but builds a level of trust that helps them garner the support they need to launch new and future endeavors.