My Sign Says

Understanding How Your Moon Sign Affects Your Horoscope

While our sun sign is the most influential, as it determines our actual zodiac sign, the planets and the moon also play a pivotal role in their sphere of influence. Find out how your moon sign affects your horoscope!

Our birth sign, our sun sign, is the most important in assigning our zodiac sign. But there are also other signs that play an important role in our overall astrological profile. We also have a moon sign, rising signs and more. The planets also wield a highly significant influence.

While our sun sign is the most important – our moon sign – is second most important influence. In this article, will examine what role the moon plays in astrology and how it affects us.

The moon: Influence on the unconscious and subconscious mind

The main influence our moon sign provides is the shaping of our unconscious and sub-conscious mind. The moon determines our specific instinctive nature. That is to say, our instincts, intuitions, emotions and feelings are all triggered by the influence of the moon.

In Jungian psychology, the “shadow”, or the “Id”, can refer to an unconscious aspect of the personality, i.e., the unconscious. In other words, everything of which a person is not fully conscious of.

In astrology, this concept is demonstrated by our moon sign.

Moon sign vs. sun sign

Our moon sign influences our emotional nature and the very core of one’s inner mood. This differs significantly from our sun sign, which defines our main traits and zodiac personality. Our sun sign determines some very distinct and stable personality traits, while some of what the moon predicts is less permanent. The moon goes through phases and appears in different houses, and these have an effect on alterations in our moods.

That said, the permanent influence the moon has on us is our moon sign at birth.

Our moon sign can explain why we do what we do, as well as, forecast changes in our emotional nature.

Moon signs reveal our hidden nature

Everyone is aware that we often display a public face, and what we do on the outside is not always accurately reflective of how we feel or what we are thinking on the inside.

However, our moon sign reveals our true inner spirit. No matter what we display to the world, our moon sign shows us what is feeding our spirit and what his driving our innermost nature.

In other words, no matter what we may reflect on the outside, our moon sign can and will reveal the hidden truth of what is shaping us emotionally.

Like the concept of “the shadow” given by the psychologist Jung, our moon sign influences our ego structure. It reveals our actual self identity. Nature always reflects the truth – the truth cannot be hidden from nature. As such, our moon sign unveils our hidden inner truth that our outward identity may or seeks to disguise. Our moon sign will lay bare all aspects of our inward personality – even what we may not be aware of or try to deny to ourselves.

If you really want to understand your true self – you need to consult your moon sign.

Your moon sign & the classical elements

The moon signs are affected by the four classical elements in astrology: Earth, Fire, Water and Air.

Your moon sign is affected by which element it is in.

  • Moon in air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
  • Moon in fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
  • Moon in Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Moon in water signs: cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

How to Determine Your Moon Sign

A moon sign is defined by which particular zodiac sign the moon was present in at the specific time of someone’s birth. To get a proper reading, the details of a person’s birth must be precise. Therefore, to determine a moon sign accurately, it’s necessary to calculate the full date, place and time of a person’s birth.

The exact time of birth is important due to the way the moon moves. The moon moves much more quickly than the planets. The moon visits all signs of the zodiac in a single month. Thus, the moon resides in each zodiac sign for just barely more than two days.

To calculate your moon sign by date and time, you’ll need to visit a moon sign calculator, such as the one found here: