My Sign Says

These Zodiac Signs are the Most Likely to Manipulate You

The zodiac gives people a variety of traits, some positive – some negative. In fact, some traits are only negative because of how they are used. Here is a case in point… The following five zodiac signs are gifted with the ability to be persuasive. On its own, this can be a very helpful trait. People can use their gift to persuade others to better or improve themselves, even to do the right thing in a given situation.


But on the other extreme, persuasion can be used in a negative way, where it becomes manipulation. Persuasion becomes manipulation when it is done for the sole reason of benefiting the one doing the influencing.

Here are the five zodiac signs most likely to use the art of persuasion for manipulation…

1. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini is well noted for playing both sides in any given situation. They feign alliance to whomever they are speaking to. In other words, they tend to tell people what they want to hear. They talk a very good game. That’s not to say that they won’t help other people – they will. But underneath it all, at some level, it’s still about what’s in it for them. The one thing you must know about Gemini is there is only one side they are ever truly on – their own. If you keep that in mind, it will be harder for them to manipulate you, and less likely that you will get burned.

2. Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libras are peacemakers and truly have a gift for making people come together, cooperate and work things out. They really do try to create positive resolution and harmony. Libras are generally fair, and use their gift of persuasion to end conflict and reduce strife. However, Libras aren’t completely altruistic. When it comes to things that suit their personal interests, they will elevate the art of persuasion into manipulation, and are so crafty at it – other people usually never see it coming.

3. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces are so kind and caring that it seems unimaginable that they would be manipulative. Well, think again. Where do you think the term “killing them with kindness” came from? Their pleasantries can often be like fattening up the pig before the slaughter. While they are showering one with complements, they can also be leading them right where they want them, down the path of manipulation, with the person completely unaware they have been used.

4. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpios are one of the most cunning persuaders of the zodiac. They have stealthy and shrewd manipulation skills that are second to none. They persuade and manipulate through complex and patient tenacity. They are masters at mind games, subtly nudging someone to certain thoughts, and doing so with such clever deft, that the person will actually believe they came up with the idea themselves!

5. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarians are stimulating, enthusiastic, and optimistic. And it is when these traits go to extremes, through Sagittarius’ impulsive nature, that they turn on their flipside, where encouragement goes from persuasion to manipulation. They don’t just try to convince, they impatiently hound, trying to dominate. They’ll become blunt and make you feel weak or stupid for not going along. This is where you have to be careful, because their usual good judgment is gone when they get like this. They are running on overconfidence and blind optimism, becoming completely unrealistic – and that can be dangerous.