My Sign Says

Which are the 5 Most Patient Zodiac Signs? Find Out!

As they say, “Patience is a virtue.” And it certainly is not a virtue everyone possesses. But it’s definitely a valuable trait that we don’t often consider. For one thing, patient people are able to keep their cool in a variety of situations. They are harder to provoke. They can handle annoyances better than other people. They can deal with stressful situations without complaining.


In fact, if we didn’t have patient people in this world, we’d have a lot more conflict and violence. People would be flying off the handle at the littlest thing!

And when it comes to relationships, it’s patience that makes them last. Everyone has their ups and downs and it’s the patient person that works things out and endures.

Here are the 5 signs of the zodiac that have the virtuous trait of patience…

1. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

A lot of what people believe is stubbornness in Taurus is often patience in disguise. When it comes to things that are important, Taurus is in for the long haul, and they definitely have persistence that is unmatched in the zodiac. While they are immediately friendly, they aren’t quick to become BFFs with someone or to immerse themselves in a relationship without spending some time to really understand that person and build trust. A byproduct of the patience Taurus possesses in relationships is undying loyalty.

2. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

If Capricorn had a pet motto it would be: “Good things come to those who wait.” Capricorn sets the bar high, and is willing to put in the work and spend whatever time it takes to reach the highest level. For them, patience = quality. Life for them is a lot like farming, you plant a seed, you water and nurture that plant and watch it grow. In the end, you’ll have a bountiful and rewarding harvest. Whether it’s career, friendship, relationships, everything is step-by-step. In almost everything in life, Capricorn can wait.

3. Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libras are the natural mediators of the zodiac, willing and able to negotiate anything and everything, and it all comes to fruition through patience. Libras see most conflict as unnecessary, believing most things can be worked out. And as such, they are also known as the peacemakers of the zodiac, not only due to their patience, but their sense of fairness. Libra are extremely good listeners, thoughtfully taking the time to consider all sides of any argument. Likewise, they are very diplomatic, readily yielding when necessary or agreeable to compromise.

4. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancers are very loving people, and when it comes to love, they have both the patience to wait for that special person, and the patience to endure through bumps in a relationship. One of their strengths in relationships or disagreements is that they are highly receptive, which makes them good listeners. Cancers reflect deeply, and make a strong effort at understanding the needs of others. Cancers are very giving and considerate of others, and it shows in their caring nature. They’ll wait out anything to ensure that others are cared for first.

5. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Patience is so strong in Pisces, that it has a profound effect on their personality. While patience is evident in their easy-going, even temperament, that virtue is further reflected in their free-spirited and carefree attitude. It’s not that they don’t care, they care deeply – it’s that they have the patience to know there’s no reason to get all worked up, good things will come in time and things will work themselves out. Pisces are very self-sacrificing, having the patience to be the very last to have their needs met in order to put others first. Pisces’ thoughtfulness and consideration for others is a byproduct of their patience.