My Sign Says

How the Age of Aquarius will Shape Your Astrological Forecast

The Age of Aquarius will cause an important shift in everyone’s astrological forecast, coloring the traits of the zodiac’s sun signs in specific and deliberate ways, directly impacting your horoscope.

The Age of Aquarius: A new mindset

As we enter a new eon of 26,000 years brought on by the Age of Aquarius, a fundamental shift in mindsets will occur. The Age of Aquarius will bring with it many things that are associated with the zodiac sign of Aquarius. In turn, this association will color the traits present in every sign of the zodiac.

What the Age of Aquarius will bring

Electricity will be a major aspect. That’s interesting because… Don’t we already live in a world where we are being introduced to new electrical gadgets almost daily?

Electricity, technology, communication

The Age of Aquarius will bring rapid technological advancement, which we are already seeing. It will be an age of communication, again already present.

Government, business, religion

Another substantial and profound shift will occur in government, business and religion. Democracy and freedom will be emphasized, as well as, idealism and humanitarianism. We may even see a joining of religions.

Collectivism & humanitarianism

There will be a strong movement toward collectivism, which could indicate a shift away from allowing the few at the top to reap all the rewards. This will coincide with a rise in humanitarianism, with a strong focus on individual rights, but not so much so that it would affect “the group” and its collective needs.

There could be a joining of world governments, where all would share in Earth’s resources, rather than allowing certain nations to plunder the majority of it for themselves.

Are we currently in the Age of Aquarius?

There is much debate about when the Age of Aquarius will begin or whether it has already started. But knowing what the Age will bring, and judging by the world around us, it seems to be clear that we are in the Age of Aquarius now.

You might even be able to argue that the Age of Aquarius began at the dawn of the 20th century, with the onset of the Industrial Revolution. Others feel that the “information age” and the technological revolution marked the onset of the Age. Either way, it’s reasonable to believe that we are already living in the Age of Aquarius.

The effect of the Age of Aquarius on zodiac signs

Aries: Aries is a bold risk taker that will become a leading pioneer in launching new ideas, being among the first to blaze the trail.

Taurus: As an earth sign, Taurus will lead the way in protecting Earth and its resources, promoting fairness in the use of resources among all peoples.

Gemini: Through their brilliant intellect and knowledge, Gemini will be a leader in bringing about innovations that improve and extend the life of mankind.

Cancer: Cancer will be instrumental in helping others to adopt a loving attitude and forwarding the path of humanitarianism.

Leo: Being a strong leader, Leo will advocate for joining together to serve the collective good.

Virgo: Through use of their analytical mind, Virgo will pull together all the details to present the logical data supporting the superiority of new systems and their benefits.

Libra: As the negotiators and peacemakers of the zodiac, Libra will serve in the crucial role of mediating and bringing all sides together as one, helping to foster collectivism.

Scorpio: Scorpio will lead others with their passion and magnetism, while using their analytical and tactful abilities to bring about beneficial changes.

Sagittarius: The inspirational skills and optimism of Sagittarius will serve in helping people to embrace new ideas and to open their minds.

Capricorn: As an earth sign, Capricorn will help others to become grounded in truth, replacing fear of change with the practical wisdom of what benefits will be gained through new systems.

Aquarius: This sign will reign in the Age of Aquarius, holding the vision of everything that is dawning, promoting new ideas and leading the way in all areas.

Pisces: Pisces will help others adapt to the changes, letting go of fear through healing, compassion and love.