My Sign Says

5 Zodiac Signs Who Send Mixed Signals in Relationships

One of the biggest problems in any kind of relationship is this: Some people say one thing, but do another. We can’t figure them out because they’re giving us mixed signals. But they also do this in nonverbal ways, meaning… sometimes their actions imply one thing – when they’re actually meaning or thinking something else. This can be incredibly frustrating.


If you’ve been in a relationship with someone like this for a long time, such behavior gets tiresome. If it’s a new relationship, it makes it hard to figure the person out and get to know them.

It turns out, there is a reason for this. There are five signs of the zodiac that have traits that give them a predisposition towards mixed-signal behavior. Here they are ranked from most to least…

1. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini is the flip-flopper of the zodiac and can send mixed signals about practically everything. While they are entertaining and charming in conversation, when talk turns to serious matters, they have a tendency to tell people what they want to hear. While they may make themselves sound quite sincere, it’s part of their evasive move. Gemini don’t like to commit to anything, so while they are making you think they are on board with something, they may be having completely different thoughts inside.

2. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

With their open-minded attitude and intelligence, Aquarians talk a very good game. Their friendly attitude can present a public face that’s not quite aligned with their inner thoughts. While an Aquarius is generally honest – they’re not always straightforward. This has a lot to do with their insecurity. Add to that – they have a rebellious side that doesn’t like to be pinned down. As a result, they send a lot of mixed signals and remain always unpredictable.

3. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius can fool us because they are so cheerful, optimistic and seemingly sincere. Yet in spite of all these positives, it is their own impulsiveness that can make them wishy-washy. Not only that, they can be overly sentimental, so just when things are moving in one direction, their sentimentality pulls them backward. This is especially true in relationships, where they start reminiscing about all the fun they had when they were single or having second thoughts about their ex, sending strong mixed signals about their level of commitment.

4. Libra (September 23-October 22)

While Libra is considered so well-balanced, it is their very act of always trying to equal out everything that makes them indecisive. Libra’s problem is – trying too hard to please everyone. They try to avoid conflicts by telling people what they want to hear to make them happy, while disguising their true feelings. Libras have a flirty nature and this is one area in particular where they send strong mixed signals. This form of playful behavior can upset a partner in a relationship, while simultaneously – leading on or confusing the person they are flirting with.

5. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces are very kind and caring, and their even temperament, at times, can make others feel everything is just hunky-dory. But what’s actually running through their minds is anyone’s guess. In fact, they often seem absent-minded and spaced out – leaving everyone clueless as to what they are thinking. If you try to pin them down, they become vague. Pisces are so indecisive – you can’t get a read on them. Not only that, but they are so sensitive, especially when pressured, they become overly emotional or temperamental. Their overreaction to things can send some very confusing mixed signals.