My Sign Says

4 Zodiac Signs Who Express Love by Touch in Relationships

Every zodiac sign has its own preferred way of expressing themselves romantically. The way they show their love for someone else will vary sign to sign. Knowing that, you’ll have a better understanding of why your love interest might shower you with words, gifts or physical contact – all of which mean they are crazy in love with you!


Everyone’s got a style

Some zodiac signs express their love for another with their words. These are the ones who will say “I love you” several times throughout the day – every day.

For other zodiac signs, they express their love for others through their actions. They are firm believers in the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” These are the kind that will shower you with gifts of “little somethings” continually.

Signs that like to touch

In this article, we are going to look four zodiac signs who express their love through touch. These are the “touchy, feely” types. They are ones who will place a hand on your shoulder or your back, the hand-holders and the “huggers” of the zodiac!

1. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus is one of the zodiac’s most sensual signs, as well as, one of its most loving. As an Earth sign, there is nothing more grounded or primal to a Taurus than physical contact. Taurus are practical people who love to work with their hands – especially when it comes to romance. They are highly loyal and physical contact, for them, is a highly personal thing. They do not want to touch or be touched by anyone except the person they love. Physical affection to them is the ultimate expression of love.

2. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

If you understand Scorpio, it’s obvious they would express their love through touch. Scorpio is one of the most sensual signs of the zodiac. The stars have completely infused this intensely passionate sign with an abundance of qualities that causes them to thrive on physical contact. Words often feel superficial to a Scorpio. However, they see physical affection as being deeply personal, something that creates a one-to-one bond that implies a connection and says more than words.

3. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries is a bold fire sign infused with hot passion, so it’s no surprise that physical affection would be the way they express their love. Being highly impulsive, the minute a spark of love is triggered in their heart, they won’t be able to keep their hands off the object of their ardor. They can’t hold back their feelings when they strike, and they don’t think twice about public displays of affection. In fact, they enjoy everyone getting the message that they are in love!

4. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius are impulsive and act out what they are feeling. They shower their romantic interest with displays of affection in public and otherwise. Being carefree, they do what feels good, when they are feeling it. One strong trait of Sagittarius is their sincerity. Their touch definitely means something. Even before you are in a relationship with a Sagittarius, the signs are there. You should know that when they start making little bits of physical contact, like placing a hand on your shoulder, they are sending you a direct message that they are developing an interest and/or feelings for you.