My Sign Says


Today's Horoscope


See if you can get your people to waste some time with you as you wander and ponder. You've got a lot going on upstairs! It's a good day to look for new options rather than settle for second best.

Love for Singles

Be cautious when it comes to romantic matters. If there's something you can't quite pinpoint that doesn't seem right, now's not the time to press forward regardless. If it's worth it, it can wait.

Love for Couples

Your jealousy may be aroused today, but don't be too hasty to make accusations. You may be seeing a situation in an entirely different way than your partner. Talk to them before getting upset.

Today's Career Prediction

No one can challenge your credentials. After all, the best defense is a strong offense. Make sure you know your stuff inside and out so you won't get caught off guard.

Weekly Readings


At the start of the week, you could find yourself itching for change, even going so far as to overhaul an entire project or game plan for an upcoming trip or major personal undertaking. You want to march to the beat of your own drum. Trust that instinct! Later, you’ll be fantasizing about enjoying plenty of lighthearted, flirtatious time with your significant other or someone who has the potential to become a long-term partner. Your best bet for making your dreams a reality is shrugging off any instinct to land on concrete plans and allowing magical moments to play out organically. This breezy approach sets the stage for even more sparks to fly.


Your big days this week when it comes to matters of attraction are Wednesday and Thursday. Those are the days to wear your best clothes because that's when the stars align in the areas of sex appeal, flattery, and new romance. (If you already have a special someone, expect your relationship to really amp up on Wednesday and Thursday.) Monday and Tuesday, by contrast, are purposely busy, and on Friday and Saturday, you're burdened by the prospect of a number of decisions you don't want to make. If you're looking to make a date this weekend, try for Sunday.


Your practical thinking combined with nearly endless energy makes you built for travel at the beginning of the week. Take time to take in the local art scene; you'll especially appreciate it now. Around Wednesday and Thursday, avoid getting too specific with your itinerary, and if you're on business, avoid finalizing deals or signing contracts. You'll want wiggle room now. By the weekend, you may be thinking longingly of the comfort and familiarity of home, but there's plenty to enjoy right where you are. Look for a little social interaction to get you in the groove.

This Week's Career Prediction

You may find yourself incredibly drawn to someone you work with on Monday and Tuesday. If you're single, excellent, but if you're not, find a professional way to indicate that things need to remain professional. You can be depended on, which is why when you're feeling out of character on Wednesday and Thursday you should let everyone know. You're in a funny space and feeling impulsive. Don't sign anything binding right now. On Friday, your mood settles and you find yourself talking about your feelings among a group of colleagues you like and trust. They respond well.

Monthly Readings


Growth and Prosperity

This is a good time for you, Taurus, because the cosmos has your best interests at heart. The sun in your sign, along with delectable Venus, upbeat Jupiter, and electric Uranus, can spark fascinating occurrences that contribute to your wealth and well-being. Success is hot on your heels. You only need tap into your natural ability to nurture and grow virtually anything to enjoy greater abundance and a better lifestyle.

At the same time, fiery Mars continues its journey through a private zone, stirring up your dreams of conquering new heights and accepting bigger and bolder challenges. Deep inside, you know you have what it takes to fulfill your highest potential.

There’s also a new moon in your sign on May 7 that aligns with prudent Saturn, encouraging you to collaborate and commune with others in your community and social circle. You’ll be ready to initiate new projects and ideas that can benefit the causes and interests that are dear to your heart.

Once the sun moves into inquisitive Gemini and your financial sector on the twentieth, you’ll be ready to explore moneymaking opportunities and find ways to get a side hustle up and running as quickly as possible. The sun journeys through this zone for around four weeks, spotlighting those areas that need attention and inspiring you to adopt new financial strategies. You’ll be a whiz at selling and closing deals as well.

By the time of the full moon in Sagittarius on May 23, you could feel positively empowered by the opportunities open to you to create and attract abundance. Dreams can turn into cash if you play your cards right and tap into your practical strengths.

Finally, jovial Jupiter leaves your sign and glides into Gemini for a year or so on the twenty-fifth, enhancing your chances to create a fortune and become the financially independent entrepreneur you’ve always wanted to be.


A new moon in your powerful first house of new beginnings arrives on May 7, giving you the energy and forethought to plant the seeds for what you want to grow and thrive in your garden of love in the future. The roots you nurture now should be strong AF by autumn.

On the fifteenth, messenger Mercury also partners with your logical sign, giving you a practical, strategic outlook on love. What is your main goal regarding romance, Taurus? Working on one thing at a time will help keep you from getting overwhelmed and emotional.

When the sun enters Gemini on May 20, you’re feeling gossipy and a little vindictive. This would be an ideal time to post something scandalous about an ex on social media, but what would that really accomplish? The last thing you want to do now is come across as jilted, jaded, and bitter.

On May 23, Venus also enters communicative Gemini, but this time around this air sign’s effect is fun and flirty. Use your words to make a good impression on someone new or make a current love feel special. Writing personalized poetry or lyrics is particularly swoon worthy now.

Health & Fitness

Growth and Prosperity

This is a good time for you, Taurus, because the cosmos has your best interests at heart. The sun in your sign, along with delectable Venus, upbeat Jupiter, and electric Uranus, can spark fascinating occurrences that contribute to your wealth and well-being. Success is hot on your heels. You only need tap into your natural ability to nurture and grow virtually anything to enjoy greater abundance and a better lifestyle.

At the same time, fiery Mars continues its journey through a private zone, stirring up your dreams of conquering new heights and accepting bigger and bolder challenges. Deep inside, you know you have what it takes to fulfill your highest potential.

There’s also a new moon in your sign on May 7 that aligns with prudent Saturn, encouraging you to collaborate and commune with others in your community and social circle. You’ll be ready to initiate new projects and ideas that can benefit the causes and interests that are dear to your heart.

Once the sun moves into inquisitive Gemini and your financial sector on the twentieth, you’ll be ready to explore moneymaking opportunities and find ways to get a side hustle up and running as quickly as possible. The sun journeys through this zone for around four weeks, spotlighting those areas that need attention and inspiring you to adopt new financial strategies. You’ll be a whiz at selling and closing deals as well.

By the time of the full moon in Sagittarius on May 23, you could feel positively empowered by the opportunities open to you to create and attract abundance. Dreams can turn into cash if you play your cards right and tap into your practical strengths.

Finally, jovial Jupiter leaves your sign and glides into Gemini for a year or so on the twenty-fifth, enhancing your chances to create a fortune and become the financially independent entrepreneur you’ve always wanted to be.

This Month's Career Prediction

You will be on your routine this month as you seek stability and practicality in your work endeavors. You will excel in tasks with your determination and perseverance, allowing for your attention to detail and methodical approach to blend happily.

The new moon in Taurus on May 7 presents opportunities for you to solidify existing projects and establish strong foundations for your future ventures.

Mercury in Taurus on the fifteenth also cultivates reliable partnerships. You may be inclined to focus on long-term strategies that promise steady growth and sustainability. Taurus, it is important for you to trust your instincts this month and remain patient even in the face of challenges. Stay the course and maintain a clear vision of your goals.

You will make significant progress when Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25. You will network and build relationships based on trust that will prove wonderful for you in the realm of business.


Dates: Apr 20-May 20
Symbol: Bull
Ruling Planet: Venus
Color: Pink
House Ruled: Second
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed

People of the Taurus sign are some of the most trustworthy, ambitious and intelligent people you’ll meet. Bulls value honesty above all else and strive for drama-free relationships. They may be called stubborn, but that’s just because they won’t change their opinions to make someone else happy.

Bulls are some of the most hard-working people around. When something needs to get done, a Taurus will roll up her sleeves and get to work. Taurus people do enjoy simple pleasures, however, and will treat themselves to physical pleasure whenever they can – be it a luxurious massage or hours in bed with their lover.