My Sign Says


Today's Horoscope


Try not to focus all your energy on friends and family, important as they may be. You've got the right attitude to deal with work or career issues that have been on your mind for quite some time.

Love for Singles

You have some big ideas about what you want from romance now. Good for you! Keeping them in mind and exploring them further can make it all the more likely you'll fulfill them.

Love for Couples

The next few weeks could bring changes for your relationship. Something that has been troubling you will finally get worked out. It may not be what you expected, but you'll be very pleased.

Today's Career Prediction

If you disagree with the direction of a project, express your opinion. But be prepared to back down, especially if you're the sole dissenting voice. Just make sure you have a better alternative.

Weekly Readings


At the beginning of the week, you’ll have a burning desire to switch things up in the bedroom or pursue a fantasy you’ve previously kept under wraps. Owning your needs and then expressing them has you feeling empowered and ultimately fulfilled. Later, you might want to press pause on your usually packed agenda in order to spend more time reflecting and reassessing personal goals and just generally recharging. Though you could feel torn in several directions, give yourself this well-deserved time-out. It can help you plant the seeds that will have you feeling even more vital and productive in the weeks ahead.


This is quite a week for you, romantically speaking, and that goes double on Monday and Tuesday. You have the opportunity to focus all of your attention on this person, which is a good thing and a bad thing. It's good for obvious reasons. The only way in which it's bad is that, what with all your attention on one thing, there's a lot of pressure. Make it as low pressure as possible. On Wednesday and Thursday, beauty and peacefulness figure strongly, and on Friday and Saturday, you have an incredible conversation. On Sunday, if you get frustrated by how slowly your life is going, find something to appreciate.


Your finely tuned sense of etiquette comes in handy on the road at the beginning of the week -- brush up on local ways with a guidebook or watch others interact, and let them set the tone. Between Tuesday and Thursday, you might just find yourself involved in an unexpectedly personal conversation with a stranger. The anonymity can make total honesty -- and new understanding -- possible. If you're on business, working this weekend could prove challenging, as ongoing projects tend to go fine but initiating new ones is problematic. Plan accordingly if possible.

This Week's Career Prediction

Let the beauty around you be a source of inspiration. Use it as an example of something in a meeting, or take a walk through a park in lieu of a coffee meeting, or buy a small plant for a colleague. Monday and Tuesday are challenging. Let thoughtfulness and charm be your trump cards. On Wednesday and Thursday, relationships are more important than anything, so find a way to share any fun tasks that come your way with the people around you. On Friday, you're doing so many things at once you barely have a chance to look up, much less chat, but your weekend is harmonious and beautiful.

Monthly Readings


Transformation and Expansion

Get ready for an amazing month, Libra, because the focus on your sector of transformation can bring fresh challenges and positive changes. With the sun here until May 20, it’s time to ride the wave of transformation and embrace opportunities to release stuck emotions and let go of anything that no longer works for you. You can also harness the power of your innate business sense to bring key projects to a fruitful conclusion.

At the same time, fiery Mars continues its journey through your sector of relating, encouraging you to be true to yourself and create stronger boundaries in your interactions with others.

With the new moon in Taurus on the seventh, you’ll have a great opportunity to pool resources as you weave a path through the many possibilities open to you and choose the way that aligns with your highest values.

As the focus shifts to Gemini on May 20, emphasizing your sector of travel and exploration, your gaze shifts to matters associated with the future. This can be a time of planning and research as you look into options that resonate with your need for new friendships and lively interactions.

There’s a full moon in Sagittarius on the twenty-third, and you could be more outspoken than usual. This lunar phase can highlight issues that have been swept under the carpet, and if that’s the case, use this opportunity to discuss them and clear the air.

A delightful link between upbeat Jupiter and dreamy Neptune on May 23 could coincide with an idea that has entrepreneurial potential. It might stem from creative and imaginative beginnings, but the end result could be fairly lucrative.

Finally, jovial Jupiter steps into talkative Gemini on the twenty-fifth and will remain here for around a year. During this time, there will be endless possibilities for traveling, studying, networking, and forging new paths that feed your soul.


What has held you back recently regarding love and relationships? With Pluto headed retrograde in like-minded, objective Aquarius on May 2, it gives you a chance to assess issues like power struggles or manipulative behaviors that have surfaced in your past relationships and find ways to set boundaries and better assert your needs in the future.

On the thirteenth, an easygoing Venus-Saturn sextile reminds you that there’s no rush to be where you want to be, so be wary of anyone giving you ultimatums or trying to hurry you into making decisions before you’re ready. Seek peace more than anything else.

On May 23, loving Venus enters flexible Gemini, giving off more airy energy and lighting up your adventure and expansion zone. Your mind races with romantic ideas, but you fall short when it comes to executing them. Remember that doing one thing well is better than trying to do a lot of different things halfway.

A Venus-Pluto air trine arrives on the twenty-fifth, intensifying your emotions. You love a good debate now, but you struggle to stay neutral. Getting your point across to a potential or current lover is suddenly the most important thing on your mind. Bringing up intentionally hurtful topics is playing dirty. You’re above that, Libra.

Health & Fitness

Transformation and Expansion

Get ready for an amazing month, Libra, because the focus on your sector of transformation can bring fresh challenges and positive changes. With the sun here until May 20, it’s time to ride the wave of transformation and embrace opportunities to release stuck emotions and let go of anything that no longer works for you. You can also harness the power of your innate business sense to bring key projects to a fruitful conclusion.

At the same time, fiery Mars continues its journey through your sector of relating, encouraging you to be true to yourself and create stronger boundaries in your interactions with others.

With the new moon in Taurus on the seventh, you’ll have a great opportunity to pool resources as you weave a path through the many possibilities open to you and choose the way that aligns with your highest values.

As the focus shifts to Gemini on May 20, emphasizing your sector of travel and exploration, your gaze shifts to matters associated with the future. This can be a time of planning and research as you look into options that resonate with your need for new friendships and lively interactions.

There’s a full moon in Sagittarius on the twenty-third, and you could be more outspoken than usual. This lunar phase can highlight issues that have been swept under the carpet, and if that’s the case, use this opportunity to discuss them and clear the air.

A delightful link between upbeat Jupiter and dreamy Neptune on May 23 could coincide with an idea that has entrepreneurial potential. It might stem from creative and imaginative beginnings, but the end result could be fairly lucrative.

Finally, jovial Jupiter steps into talkative Gemini on the twenty-fifth and will remain here for around a year. During this time, there will be endless possibilities for traveling, studying, networking, and forging new paths that feed your soul.

This Month's Career Prediction

It is a great month to negotiate what you want using your unique natural charm and diplomatic skills. The new moon in Taurus on May 7 will ensure that you can manifest that.

With the sun entering Gemini on the twentieth, you will see that collaborations and partnerships will be a breeze to navigate. If you are a manager, you will have to find balance between the needs of your team and your own needs as a boss. Don’t let external influences sway you to make bad business decisions. Stay true to your values and maintain a sense of equilibrium, Libra.

You will make significant progress in your career and achieve long-term objectives with Jupiter entering Gemini on May 25. You will excel in roles that require tact, diplomacy, and the ability to find common ground.

Dates: Sep 23-Oct 22
Symbol: Scales
Ruling Planet: Venus
Color: Blue
House Ruled: Seventh
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal

People of the Libra sign are kind and willing to put others before themselves. Harmony is their goal in life and Libras strive for compromise and diplomacy. Libras tend to be happiest when they are among a large group of friends that they value. While Libras are great at making plans, they tend to come short of follow through and rely on others for help.

Imaginative and intelligent, Libras are big-picture thinkers who can become unhappy if they are spending too much time focusing on one thing. They value flexibility and plenty of time for personal pursuits. Libras tend to fall hard when they fall in love, but they acknowledge that there is room in life for more than one grand love.