My Sign Says

What Tonight’s Full Moon in Virgo Means for You

Full moons are notoriously wild, unpredictable, momentous events. They have the ability to make us feel out of control and overwhelmed by the changes happening around us. This is because the moon is closely linked with the deepest parts of our psyches.

In astrology, the moon connotes nurturing and motherly energy. The moon’s travels across the cosmos as it waxes and wanes are always affecting our ability to connect with our innermost selves.

Thus, while a gorgeous full moon hanging bright in the sky is an alluring, gorgeous visual, its powerful presence often overtakes us emotionally. A full moon can bring our deepest feelings to the surface of our consciousness and make us question everything we’ve been doing. Its powerful glow illuminates not just the sky, but the loose ends and festering emotions we’ve been too busy to acknowledge.

This evening, a full moon in Virgo will bring another bout of this chaotic but necessary flow of energy to our lives. This could lead to dramatic fights, unexpected confessions, new revelations and eventually, release.

Coping with a full moon in Virgo

The full moon will officially arrive at around 3:17 a.m. ET tomorrow, February 27. Those who will be up late tonight will feel the full moon’s initial effects most powerfully.

Considering it’s a Friday, if you plan to party, be prepared for potential drama. Dealing with a full moon when you’re in a state of lowered inhibition can bring so many buried feelings to the surface, you’re going to hope the Lyft driver carries a few boxes of tissues in their car.

On the other hand, Virgo is all about details and useful information. The good news for this full moon is that Virgo pushes us toward organized, rational thought, and away from complicated, confused emotions. It wants us to separate fact from fiction – so whichever powerful emotions this full moon brings, Virgo should help us to discern which ones are worth stressing over, and which ones we need to let go of.

It’s okay to feel confused

Virgo is also associated with perfectionism, so we may find ourselves going back and forth on decisions because we’re not sure if they’re right for us or not. Keep this in mind as we head into this evening, because if you have an important decision to make or a situation that’s stressing you out, you might feel torn over what to do.

The full moon will make you want to follow your heart, while Virgo wants you to follow your head. Remember that there is a happy balance to be found between the two, and you don’t have to figure it all out right now. Tonight, simply feel the emotions the full moon brings to you without judging them.