My Sign Says
Cute shy girl

4 Zodiac Signs That Tend to Be Painfully Shy

Confidence is sexy–but what if you’re naturally shy? These Zodiac signs tend to be a little more introverted and socially awkward. You might even mistake their shyness for aloof or cold, but inside they’re marshmallows. Treat them with care!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

This Earth sign is often assumed to be prideful, even arrogant by people who don’t know them well. It’s the classic Mr. Darcy problem–shyness and introversion manifests as coldness.

If Taurus doesn’t feel comfortable in a social situation they tend to go silent and stony-faced. But rest assured that they are actually very caring and warm underneath that facade.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

Cancer has to develop a hard outer shell to protect their soft hearts. Although they are deeply emotionally sensitive, it may sometime take a while to get through their defenses.

This Water sign might be the most empathic of the entire Zodiac. If they don’t put up a barrier between themselves and the world at large, they can easily become overwhelmed.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

Virgo has a reputation for being cold perfectionists. Think Miranda from “The Devil Wears Prada.” They struggle with relaxing in social situations because they are always thinking about a million possible outcomes and politics and–inevitably–their to-do list.

Despite their chilly demeanor, Virgos are wonderful mentors and loving friends. And it’s important to remember that they are always more critical of themselves than anyone else.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

Pisces is one of the most sensitive signs of the Zodiac, and they tend to spend a lot of their own heads. They worry a lot about what other people think about them, and Pisces can get lost in imagined worst-case scenarios and fantasies.

This Water sign will never be the most confident person in a room–and that’s okay. Even though they aren’t the life of the party, when you get a Pisces one-on-one, you’ll find them to be creative and interesting.